Miguel Perez-Santalla

Miguel Perez-Santalla is vice president of business development for BullionVault, the physical gold and silver exchange founded a decade ago and now the world's #1 provider of physical bullion ownership online. A fierce advocate for retail investors, and a regular speaker at industry and media events, Miguel has over 30 years' experience in the precious metals business, previously working at the United States' top coin dealerships, as well as international refining group Heraeus.


Miguel Perez-Santalla Articles

After 100 years of the US central bank, does it deserve another try...? SO IT WILL be 100 years on December 23rd since the Federal Reserve was born. The purpose in 1913 was to form a regulatory body to help stem the tide of bank failures...
The MOST important part of an economy is simply employment. To ignore or sideline the importance of unemployment statistics is foolish. Including when you are considering what's happening to investments, including gold.
THIS SUNDAY, September 15, marks the five-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers was large international bank based out of New York. They were well-respected. In fact, they were considered a rock in the...
Controls on gold inflows don't fix the causes of capital outflows...WHAT'S GOING on in India is nothing new. We've seen it over and over again throughout struggling economies.
Why does hedging remain such a highly contentious issue for gold and silver miners...? THERE'S always a lot of talk about gold and silver miners and their hedging policies.
THERE HAS been a lot of misinformation recently about COMEX warehouse gold stocks. Most notably, there's confusion about how this year's sharp drop in the quantity of gold bullion held in Comex warehouses might point to some looming...
With photography gone, and PV not plugging the gap, where is silver seeing the strongest demand...? FOR ALL ITS monetary and investment history, silver is by far an industrial metal today. The industrial sector consumed close to 466...
How solar cells affected the silver price – and how it didn't... The Photovoltaic industry didn't start to show on charts of silver demand until the year 2000, when it consumed approximately one million ounces. Those 31 tonnes were barely...
Photographic demand for silver has fallen 70% from its peak. What could possibly fill that gap...? BACK in the good old days, a physical silver trader's dream would be to land a photographic company as a customer. Polaroid, Kodak, Fuji and...
Why does silver move so much further, and faster, than gold...? The SILVER MARKET often gets a bum rap. The reason is that often its gyrations are much greater than those of the gold market.

A sheet of gold can be made thin enough to be transparent

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