first majestic silver

Mike Maharrey

Mike Maharrey is a journalist and market analyst for with over a decade of experience in precious metals. He holds a BS in accounting from the University of Kentucky and a BA in journalism from the University of South Florida.

Mike Maharrey Articles

The investment world generally treats gold like a second-class citizen. Sure, the mainstream will sit up and take notice during a strong bull run, but generally, the financial media and investment gurus tend to spurn the yellow metal. 
You know gold is doing well when the mainstream sits up and takes notice. The mainstream financial pundits specifically, and the media in general, are typically apathetic about gold at best. More often than not, they’re downright...
A few weeks ago, gold sold off on news that the People’s Bank of China didn’t add any gold to its reserves in May. At the time, I called it a “kneejerk reaction,” and said the news wasn’t “a particularly good reason to sell gold.”
Since mid-2021, we lived through the worst price inflation since the 1970s. CPI peaked in June 2022 at 9.1 percent. During this inflationary period, a lot of people sold gold as evidenced by the rangebound price through most of 2023. Was...
The Biden administration ran the biggest monthly budget deficit of the year in May as it continues to spend money hand over fist.
According to the World Gold Council head of Asia-Pacific and global head of central banks Shaokai Fan, the “center of gravity” of the gold market has shifted to the East. Gold consumption by emerging market economies is rapidly rising and...
Strike up the band and wave the victory banners! Inflation is dead! Or is it? The May Consumer Price Index (CPI) report was cause for optimism. But price inflation is like that stubborn weed in the driveway. Just when you think you’ve...
Most people don't understand the enormity of the national debt, the amount of government spending, or the size of the monthly deficits. As a result, they come up with all kinds of absurd "solutions" to the problem.
Gold crashed through several support levels on Friday. The yellow metal plunged from $2,376 Thursday to under $2,300 by Friday afternoon.
A little bit is the first step toward a lot.  Now, imagine billions of people in Asia buying just a little bit of gold. That seems to be the trend.

A sheet of gold can be made thin enough to be transparent

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