first majestic silver

Mike Savage

Mike Savage Articles

So … Will we have a rerun of the great depression or are we re-living the inflationary nightmare of the 70s? I have heard arguments on both sides and I am led to believe that we are likely to have the worst of both worlds where many assets...
Things are changing. That is obvious to anyone who has been watching the events that are taking place. The reason I am bringing this up is that events may start to move even faster than many are anticipating. This is particularly true for...
If there was ever a time in history when one should hold gold, silver and hard assets now appears to be the time. Gold and silver, in particular, have shown their value in time of crisis. When Venezuela went into hyperinflation gold and...
There are many gold bugs out there who are salivating at the charts and calling for a massive run up in gold. Personally, I am expecting a major run up, but I am not placing my bets on the charts.
It can’t happen here! How many times have I heard that one when I start to explain history to people? I have said to many of these people that “economic law is in effect everywhere in the world EXCEPT here?”A few years ago, people thought...
As we enter into the last month of 2021, I believe that many who were hoping for a return to “normal” after 2020 are a bit disappointed. While the economy has opened up a bit there are still a myriad of problems that have been created that...
Consumer spending is up! This is being touted as a great sign that the economy is improving by many on the financial game shows. It is my opinion that spending is up for many reasons but that none of them have anything to do with an...
Global debt is nearing $300 TRILLION dollars. While many may say that it hasn’t mattered so far it appears to me that we are nearing a point where all of the excesses of the past 50 years are about to be called in. This global number is up...
I thought it was important to address the bombing of the gold market in the past few days. I have received numerous calls from people who are concerned with the recent action. I believe even more so because the Basel 3 regulations were...
In the unending blowing of the most epic financial market bubbles of all time, Germany may have just announced “peak crazy”. Overnight they issued 30-year bonds that had a NEGATIVE yield. With all of the financial shenanigans going on it...

The volume of all the gold ever mined can occupy a cube 63 feet on each side.

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