Morris Hubbartt
Precious Metals Analyst
Morris Hubbartt is the creator of proprietary timing models in the Superforce Signals, Superforce 60 Trading Service. He is senior vice president, General Manager and as Co-Owner of a concrete manufacturing company since 1985. He is also sole proprietor of SFS Newsletter Services that specializes in volume analysis of the gold & silver markets. His website is at
Morris Hubbartt Articles
A chart analysis on Gold, Silver, Gold Stocks and GDX rules via videos.
Video Technical Analysis of US T-Bonds, HUI Index, Gold, GDX Index, GDXJ (ETF) and a video review of silver’s pullback:
Recently Contributing Editor Morris Hubbartt has been providing his gold and silver market analysis via videos. Here are his latest videos:
Analyst Hubbart’s Video compares the bullish flag formation of GDX; and compares same to the 3X ETF (NUGT) that mirror’s the price movements. He sees potential for material profits in NUGT if GDX can reach its bull flag price target.
Recently Contributing Editor Morris Hubbartt has been providing his gold and silver market analysis via videos. Here are his latest videos:
US T-Bond Yield Of Horror & H&S Top Charts
Gold Double Breakout Chart
Recently Contributing Editor Morris Hubbart has been providing his gold and silver market analysis via videos. Here are his latest videos:
Gold Versus Dow & Gold Doji Event Chart
Silver Bull Candle & Silver Versus Gold Chart
Recently, there was a huge distribution day on this US dollar proxy chart. Technically, heavy volume is most ominous, when it comes at the end of a rally.
The US economy is doing well, compared to Europe’s worst performing countries. The most recent jobs numbers growth shows lots of part-time workers. That’s not going to create a thriving economy.
TLT (T-Bond Proxy) Rally Time Chart
US T-Bond Breakdown Chart
· The Federal Reserve chairman recently talked about reducing QE. The bond market was looking a little toppy before he spoke, but now it looks like a huge bear market may be starting.
TLT (T-Bond Proxy ETF) Major Top Chart
The US bond market has become a poor vehicle for long term investment. Rates are low, and most small investors cannot afford to buy a T-Bond that costs $135,000.