Paul Hein

Paul Hein Articles

The story of money is, to some extent, a story of man's quest for ease and convenience. Direct bartering of one good for another, more highly prized, was so inconvenient that it was doomed to failure from its onset. A giant leap forward...
Bankers hate precious metals; they cannot create them, to lend, with the stroke of their pens. Bureaucrats hate them also, for to obtain enough of them from the people to finance their grandiose schemes would require tax rates guaranteed...
Well, I suppose the answer has to be yes. Even as you're going down for the third time, with an anchor caught around your neck, and a shark noshing on your ankle, there's a glimmer of hope. But as a practical matter---look out! What I'm...
The far-eastern financial crisis has spilled over into Russia, and is now threatening Latin America. The American economy is doubtless going to suffer from the same illness, and financial markets everywhere are jittery. I have decided,...
Inflation, never far from the economic spotlight, enjoyed top billing at Alan Greenspan's recent appearance before Congress. The Federal Reserve Chairman expressed concern about inflation, which he considered more worrisome than the...
The concept of a "managed economy" pleases most people. After all, we wouldn't want an unmanaged economy, would we? You just can't let things like the economy flounder around untended, so let's hear it for a managed economy. Wait! Hold on...
As both a physician and one who supports the United States (by accepting its obligations in lieu of payment) I have an interest in Medicare.
Our currency, the beloved Federal Reserve Note, is printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing on 15th Street in Washington, D.C., and in Pyongyang. The Pyongyang printing is unauthorized, and small-time---only about 20 million yearly.
When an American uses the expression, "It can't happen here," he is probably referring to the replacement of republican government by some form of tyranny. We smile at his naivete. But the expression can be interpreted in other ways. It...
It is important that what passes for money today be taken seriously. There would be no point in producing it--not that that's difficult or costly--if its true nature were perceived. The tailors who convinced the emperor that their...

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the world's largest accumulation of monetary gold.

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