Paul Hein

Paul Hein Articles

We have previously noted that money has a political, as well as economic, significance. In a letter to "Colonel" House, Franklin Roosevelt acknowledged that certain financial powers have owned the United States government since the days of...
It has been remarked that the elevator business has its ups and downs, and the same could be said (if you were totally devoid of any self-respect) of the airline business. It's a difficult business in which to consistently make a profit....
Gold is not used as money today, and there seems to be no very strong movement to return it to that status. Ditto for silver. That isn't surprising. The power to create modern fiat money is awesome, and easily capable of influencing public...
If your town obtained its water from a single well, and that well was in your back yard, you would be an important person in that town, whether you wanted to or not. Perhaps you welcomed the importance given you by being the town's source...
Bank mergers seem to be the wave of the future. With the merger of Citibank and Travelers, we have a bank extending from coast to coast for the first time. Other mergers are on the way. We are told that these giant banks will offer...
We have written before about the remarkable ability of banks to create money when making loans, and of their equally remarkable ability to multiply these newly created-from-nothing bank deposits via fractional reserve banking. What we have...

The first use of gold as money occurred around 700 B.C., when Lydian merchants (western Turkey) produced the first coins

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