Peter Souleles

Peter Souleles Articles

Price is what you pay...value is what you get Warren Buffet                      
THE ELITE AND THEIR PART The financial elite all over the world have vast wealth in the form of currencies, productive land, stocks, bonds, businesses, gold, silver and fine works of art. These assets, however, do not constitute the...
Information in this day and age has become exponential but understanding remains incremental whilst changes will come later and be more painful.   NOTHING HAS CHANGED Times change but people don't. The parade of charlatans and victims is...
Information in this day and age has become exponential but understanding remains incremental whilst changes will come later and be more painful.   NOTHING HAS CHANGED Times change but people don't. The parade of charlatans and victims is...
I know a lot of funny jokes. They are so funny that one of my friends has confessed that he has nightmares of ending up in the same old people's home as me, listening to me tell those jokes over and over again. I continue to reassure him...
I know a lot of funny jokes. They are so funny that one of my friends has confessed that he has nightmares of ending up in the same old people's home as me, listening to me tell those jokes over and over again. I continue to reassure him...
'Let he who had not sinned throw the first stone' - Jesus of Nazareth   You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. - Jesus of Nazareth   Dear...
'Let he who had not sinned throw the first stone' Jesus of Nazareth                           You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Jesus of...
It is not the size of the national and international problems but the size of the governing brains that preclude any meaningful solution to the ongoing dangers and mess faced by the United States. The brains trust is content to meet these...
"I consider it to be a reasonable demand that the economic burden placed on the current and future generations of Icelanders, in the form of a state guarantee for Icesave payments to the UK and Dutch governments, be subject to a national...

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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