Peter Souleles

Peter Souleles Articles

Human stupidity manifests itself sometimes as a one off act and at other times as an enduring strategy. The experiment with fiat currency falls into the latter category. You see fiat currency does funny things to human beings despite its...
Forget what you hear and read in the press about a gold bubble. I can virtually guarantee that there will never be a bubble in gold for seven simple reasons:
It's time to face up to both the systemic and economic reality that is plaguing banks, housing and international trade. As matters stand at present, they can neither co-exist nor thrive in their current state. They are like Siamese...
"Now a man can work a whole year and earn $40,000 (£25,000) and work hard for that. And now the government can in a millisecond print the same amount of money and that's what they do. So clearly paper money has now lost its function as a...
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." The words of Einstein rang true then and ring even truer today as the world's "fiatocracy" employs mechanical and electronic printing presses to produce...
The great Professor Roubini has recently declared on television that "gold has no intrinsic value" and that "if anyone is concerned about inflation they would be better off buying spam." I rest my case. When a university professor can make...
Last night I came across a site on the web named COSTOFWAR.COM which shows the accumulating costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2003 the cost of the war in Iraq is approximately $723 billion or $90 billion per year. For...
WHY ARE THE GREEKS PROTESTING? The Greeks are protesting on the streets because they can smell a rat before they even see it. Their instinct tells them that the fine detail of the austerity measures will inevitably lead to incredible...

The California Gold Rush began on January 24, 1848 when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma.

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