Rick Ackerman
Rick Ackerman Articles
Just as teenagers are going to find out about sex, adults are going to find out about day trading.
Say this for the kids, at least they're using condoms.
It's the thrill-seeking grownups we need to worry about. Many were once content to...
Where to now?
Better ask your Ouija board, since no one can predict with any certainty whether Dow 10000 will be the bull market's last hurrah or merely a fuel stop on the way to the moon.
Not that the pundits and gurus lack the...
Alan Greenspan wants us to believe he's got a boring job, but I'm not buying it.
The Fed chairman was on Capitol Hill last week, waxing cautiously optimistic as ever while forecasting moderate growth in the U.S. economy.
Millions were...
One of the smartest businessmen I know, a highly successful wine importer, has done well in the stock market over the last five years.
He has doubled or tripled his stake in a few issues, and his portfolio overall has produced a higher...
"Creative destruction" is a term economists use to describe the way in which dynamic new industries overtake then replace old industries.
It is not intrinsically a benign process, and it can create wrenching social and economic...
Ask the bank, the hospital or the power company about their respective Y2K problems and each will tell you they've got the problem licked.
But ask each about the others and doubts begin to thicken like tule fog.
"We're pretty sure we've...
Although fear and greed usually drive the stock market, they took a back seat to investors' third deadly sin in mid-October, when brash certitude reared its ugly head among the bears.
If you were watching CNBC or reading the nation's...
Bears will have some explaining to do if the current stock-market rally achieves new record highs.
As of Friday, the Dow Industrial Average had recovered four-fifths of the nearly 2,000 points it lost during the hellish slide that...
Can an ad hoc committee of international bankers make the tremors stop?
Investors haven't been this jittery since the early 1970s, when a quadrupling of oil prices triggered a two-year selloff that devastated stocks almost as severely as...
These are surely giddy times for bears.
And why not? For most of them the summer's stock market crash came on with a warning that had all the subtlety of a brass band parading down Main Street.
For technical analysts in particular the...