Rick Ackerman

Rick Ackerman Articles

Bears will have some explaining to do if the current stock-market rally achieves new record highs. As of Friday, the Dow Industrial Average had recovered four-fifths of the nearly 2,000 points it lost during the hellish slide that...
Can an ad hoc committee of international bankers make the tremors stop? Investors haven't been this jittery since the early 1970s, when a quadrupling of oil prices triggered a two-year selloff that devastated stocks almost as severely as...
These are surely giddy times for bears. And why not? For most of them the summer's stock market crash came on with a warning that had all the subtlety of a brass band parading down Main Street. For technical analysts in particular the...
I was preparing a column about CNBC last week when the following message arrived via e-mail from my friend and colleague, Michael Belkin: "Belkin on CNBC Bubblevision? Today at 3:40 EST? How'd that happen?" How, indeed?
Exactly sixteen years ago, with the Dow Industrial Average wallowing in the doldrums near 800, Elliott Wave theorist Robert S. Prechter tweaked Wall Street's imagination with his prediction that the most spectacular bull market in history...
A house that would barely qualify as a tool shed in some neighborhoods recently sold for $472,000 in Palo Alto. On the same day, shares of a well-known company listed on the New York Stock Exchange changed hands for 340 times trailing 12-...
The preternatural strength of U.S. stocks these days comes down to one disquieting fact: most investors don't know what else to do with their surplus cash. The ones I've talked with concede that shares are very pricey now and probably...
As the threat of a global computer meltdown in the new millennium bears down on us, one should expect to see growing signs of nervousness in corporate board rooms and on Wall Street. Yet in both places, optimism and cool confidence...
I have greatly enjoyed hearing from readers, especially the combative ones who have argued, in effect, that this bull market will continue forever. Herewith, a response to some of your comments and queries. You predicted the Dow...
When a bull market takes leave of its senses as this one surely has, what's an investor to do? If you're planning to cash out near the top, there's just one answer: toss prudence overboard. Put it in a burlap bag with a cinder block,...

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