Scott Wright

Scott Wright Articles

Gold’s price multiplying by over fivefold since 2001 has unleashed an onslaught of exploration all over the globe. Countless mining companies, both old and new, have sought to get their piece of one of the hottest commodities of the 21st...
Gold’s precipitous decline in the first half of 2013 sent shockwaves throughout the entire mining industry. Its scary panic-induced 28% plunge over just six months has forced the miners to revisit their development plans. And this will...
Gold’s miserable 2013 has been devastating for gold stocks.  This sector, arguably the best performing over the 2000s, has quickly become the pariah of the markets.  And no group of gold stocks has seen more carnage than the junior...
There’s not much arguing against gold stocks being the most hated sector in the markets these days.  And with such a loathing, you can only imagine the visceral disdain towards the more risky juniors. Provocatively it wasn’t too long ago...
Anybody halfway attuned to the markets knows that copper has been a 21st-century rock star.  No longer just a boring industrial metal, copper is a flamboyant asset that has made fortunes for investors and speculators.  It’s soared a...
It’s well known that a huge chunk of global gold production is performed by a small group of very large mining companies.  These mega-miners own the world’s biggest mines, possess the deepest pipelines of projects, and for the most part...
It’s hard to believe that gold’s bull market is nearly a dozen years old.  And boy has it been a delight watching it mature from its 2001 infancy.  It’s also been fun observing the ever-changing dynamics of gold’s structural fundamentals,...
In order to satiate the world's growing hunger for silver, a lot of pressure has been placed on its supply chain. And with total annual supply recently exceeding 31k metric tons (1.0b ounces) for the first time ever, the suppliers of this...

India is perennially the world’s largest gold consumer.

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