first majestic silver

Sol Palha

Sol Palha Articles

From the 1637 Tulip Bubble to the financial meltdown of 2008, the theme has been the same. The masses never learn, they always cry foul on the way down…but gurgle with joy on the way up. In other words, when they are making money, they are...
Many individuals sit back and look wistfully at the 1st stage of the Gold Bull Market they missed. It is interesting that people focus on what they lost…but not what they might miss. Since Gold topped out in 2011, many sectors took off...
Central bankers are declaring war on cash for one reason only; they want to punish savers and reward speculators and in the process destroy the middle-class. The only way to maintain the illusion that all is well is to get the average Joe...
The masses do not believe this market can trend higher; sentiment is decidedly negative, and this has been confirmed time and time again. For months on end investors in the neutral or bearish camp have ranked higher than those in the...
The real issue is that there are college students that don’t want to work…but want to go to the best colleges money can buy. Moreover, the parents are encouraging this. What happened to the day you went to the college you could afford, and...
We live in a world where the main driving force behind this illusory economic recovery is hot money and data manipulation. According to Government stats, inflation is nonexistent. However, anyone with a grain of grey matter understands...
Central bankers wanted to put the fear of God into the masses and to a large degree they have succeeded in doing so; the masses are so afraid that they continue to hoard their money and refuse to put into the market, and that is why this...
The first reaction from the hard money camp would be to state we are insane or that we longer value hard money. Taking that line of thought would only set you on the wrong track; we are not against hard money or the Gold standard. However...
The first answer that comes to one’s mind is yes, as this economic recovery has been nothing but an illusion. The unemployment rate might have dropped, but the way the BLS (Bureau of Labour Statistics) calculates this figure is...
Okay, okay, we have heard it before: This market should crash, everything is fake, etc etc. We are as we have spoken many times over the past two years in a new paradigm. Reality is being recreated; this entire economic recovery is a hoax...

Pure gold is so soft that a strong man can squeeze it and shape it.

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