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Gold Editorials & Commentary

December 12, 2017

Have you found the gold price in the last few months to be particularly boring? Well, fear not as it looks like it might all be about to take a turn upwards. Last Friday's Commitment of Traders (COT) report signaled we are close to bottoming and suggest that both...

December 11, 2017

It is my privilege now to welcome in Michael Pento, President and founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies and author of the book, The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market. Michael is a well-known and successful money manager...

The best performing precious metal for the week was palladium, but it clocked in with a price decline of 1.41 percent. In an interview with Sharps Pixley’s Lawrie Williams, precious metals specialist Ted Butler said his analysis shows that, for at least the past...

In the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis, Central Banks began cornering the sovereign bond market via Zero or even Negative interest rates and Quantitative Easing (QE) programs. The goal here was to reflate the financial system by pushing the “risk free rate”...

It took a lot longer than it should have, but gold futures traders have finally started behaving “normally.” The speculators who were extremely, stubbornly long – and who are usually wrong when they’re this excited — had maintained their over-optimistic bets when...

This next set of ratio charts I consider to be the most important ratio charts if you are deciding whether to be an investor in the INDU or in Gold. When the price is rising The INDU ( Dow Jones Industrial Average ) (a proxy for General Stock Markets) is rising...

The price action of the past week has added to the perception that SPX is in the process of creating an intermediate top.

December 10, 2017

Is this a major break in the long term trend for gold and silver? A break that can be expected to set in place a bearish trend for a good part of 2018? After perhaps the most relentless, intense pressure of the past 6 years since the high in 2011, prices of gold and...

Once again, the Dow Jones closed the week at a new all-time high, another BEV Zero in the Bear’s Eye View chart below. That makes 82 new all-time highs since last November’s presidential election. That’s 30% of the Dow Jones’ daily closings of the past year have...

December 9, 2017

Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. Major signals can last for months and years and are more suitable for long-term investors. GLD is on short-term sell signal. GDX is on short-term sell signal.

December 8, 2017

Here are today's videos and charts.

There’s nothing like a bargain during the holidays. And here’s an unexpected one even I was surprised to see… It’s not easy to dig up industry-wide data on coin and bar premiums. To do it manually is incredibly time-consuming and then would be out of date as soon as...

I realize this theme could be wearing on some people, but with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer I am going to pound it until it either aborts or completes. It is, in my opinion, too important not to.

Last Saturday was the 75th anniversary of the Chicago Pile experiment. The experiment that proved for the first time that an atomic bomb could exist. The experiment was a key step in the Manhattan Project that went onto develop the infamous bomb in World War II.

December 7, 2017

We live in a time when currencies and financial markets have become political enterprises – creations of the world’s governments and central banks. Since we have never seen times like these, when so much depends on the monetary largesse of the policy-makers, no one...

There is a general belief, and that is all it is, that state finances fare better in an inflationary environment than a deflationary one. This perception arises from the transfer of wealth from lenders to the state through a devaluation of the currency, which occurs...

After a decade of monetary laxity, money and even bitcoins, fiat currencies have become a market commodity like tulips during the 1687 Dutch mania. Bitcoin has become an investment mania, made for the times and the craze has dwarfed the tech bubble.

And they're going to choose to let stocks go. The #1 driver of the stock market is Central Bank money printing. In 2017 alone, the BoJ and the European Central Bank (ECB) have printed over $1.5 TRILLION and funneled it into the financial system.

I am not trying to be a wise guy with the first half of the title (it’s a goof on alarmist media), but if you were not bear biased or outright bearish on the gold sector’s daily and weekly technicals, and its macro and sector fundamentals by now all you have left...

December 6, 2017

The divergence from the USDJPY correlation illuminates The Bullion Bank effort to smash price below the 200-day MA and flush out as many Spec longs as possible before the next rise. We saw this is May and in July and we are seeing it again now.

It has been a long tough slog in the gold market since the top in 2011. Here we are, more than 6 years later, still waiting for the return of a genuine bull market pattern. There is finally some good news on this: 2018 should be a very good year for gold. We have...

I’m going to use the GDX and GDXJ as a proxy for the rest of the PM stock indexes which are very similar to these two. Last Wednesday we looked at the short term daily charts to the longer term weekly charts to see how things were setting in the PM complex.

The UK’s future pensioners should not rely on their state pension or they may face a huge fall in earnings, says a new report by the OECD. Should Brits rely solely on their UK state pension then they will face the largest income drop of any OECD country. UK pensions...

December 5, 2017

We know our readers invest in precious metals in various ways. One way is through ETFs. If you are one of these investors, pay taxes to the U.S., and are holding onto any positions with a loss since the time you bought, here’s a heads-up: if you act by December 31,...

For the past few weeks I’ve suggested that a modest US dollar rally against the yen (and thus gold) was due…and now it’s here! The dollar’s right shoulder rally fits with the US senate’s decision to finally pass some corporate tax cuts. That’s modestly good news for...

Fear and greed drive the precious metals markets, but there hasn’t been much of either pushing gold and silver prices lately. Investors have grown tired of worrying about geopolitical events, ever increasing federal debt ceilings and ever inflating equity bubbles....

One of the most compelling and engaging presenters at the Precious Metals Summit in London last month was Ronald-Peter Stöferle, a managing partner at Liechtenstein-based asset management company Incrementum. Incrementum, as you may know, is responsible for...

December 4, 2017

A reader emailed us, to ask a few pointed questions. Paraphrasing, they are: Who cares if dollars are calculated in gold or gold is calculated in dollars? People care only if their purchasing power has grown. What is the basis good for? Is it just mathematical play...

Apparently, Venezuelan President Madura is following China’s lead. However, instead of a subtle rollout over time as to not cause some kind of market shake up, Madura has decided that now is as good a time as any to announce the creation of a new digital currency,...

The World Gold Council announced a resurgence of gold demand in China driven by millennials and online sales. China was also the biggest contributor to global gold demand during the past quarter, according to China Daily. The yellow metal is also becoming popular in...

Gold IRA eBook

It is estimated that the total amount of gold mined up to the end of 2011 is approximately 166,000 tonnes.

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