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Gold Editorials & Commentary

March 23, 1999

Where to now?

Better ask your Ouija board, since no one can predict with any certainty whether Dow 10000 will be the bull market's last hurrah or merely a fuel stop on the way to the moon.

March 22, 1999

President Clinton and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin are currently proposing the sale of $1.5 to $3.0 billion worth of IMF gold reserves for the purpose of debt forgiveness to benefit the world's poor.

I heard another analyst today interviewed by the financial media say when commenting on Dow 10,000, "that's all anyone talks about." Another analyst said he couldn't wait until the Dow reached that level "so we can all get on with our lives." Seemingly all of t

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. Different preferred gradients are linked though the Fibonacci ratio.

As expected, it was a wild and particularly challenging week with "triple witching" options expiration. Today (March 19), the Dow traded as high as 10,085 but closed at 9,904. For the week, the Dow rose 27 points and the S&P500 gained about ½ of 1%.

One of the great risks investors face now that we are at the peak of greatest bull market in stocks the world has ever seen, arises from a widespread ignorance and bias against gold as an investment.

March 21, 1999

If you're in Asia, you're already "enjoying" a bull market in gold, although I must note that the word "enjoy" may not be very appropriate since many are struggling to survive the bursting of the speculative bubble.

March 18, 1999

Not much "green" seen. . . on this Saint Patrick's Day, as repeated declines were aborted by the press of equally frequent rally efforts.

March 15, 1999

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. Different preferred gradients are linked though the Fibonacci ratio.

March 11, 1999

The "Three Faces of Eve" . .

Forecast: Gold Prices In 1998 And Beyond

Talk about a tough market to interpret! The stock operators (i.e., manipulators) on Wall Street have made the market analyst's job extremely difficult, and we have no way of knowing for certain whether this is a market in net distribution or net accumulation.

March 8, 1999

The U.S. financial markets soared Friday when the nation's employment numbers showed a strong economy with near-full employment, but not strong enough to prompt the Federal Reserve Board to tighten interest rates.

What a refuge the investor has in those peerless gold stocks! While technical deterioration and extreme overvaluation abounds throughout the stock market today, a brand new bull market is just beginning in the golds sector.

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. Different preferred gradients are linked though the Fibonacci ratio.

The US stock market has just reached new record highs, as measured by the major indices, with valuations that are in no way supported by the earnings of the underlying businesses. Share prices are, in fact, supported by debt.

March 4, 1999

Hanging onto support by its fingernails . . . the stock market managed to climb back up from a very precarious position; though by no means has the market secured a good footing.

It explains the ridiculous rise in Internet stock prices.

"If it's magic, then why can't it be everlasting?"

—Stevie Wonder, "If it's Magic,"-1975

March 2, 1999

Alan Greenspan wants us to believe he's got a boring job, but I'm not buying it.

The Fed chairman was on Capitol Hill last week, waxing cautiously optimistic as ever while forecasting moderate growth in the U.S. economy.

March 1, 1999

The American Experience Conclusions

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. Different preferred gradients are linked though the Fibonacci ratio.

Since 1492 when Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus as he is known in the U.S.) discovered the Americas, GOLD has always been the monetary messiah of the Latin American continent. This region encompasses the entire area from the Rio Grande river (U.S.

February 25, 1999

"A pototypical distribution. .

February 22, 1999

Inflation, never far from the economic spotlight, enjoyed top billing at Alan Greenspan's recent appearance before Congress.

Chart Symmetry is designed around the observation that prices tend to change direction along certain preferred gradients. Different preferred gradients are linked though the Fibonacci ratio.


Central Bank Gold Sales: much ado about nothing

February 19, 1999

We haven't been this bullish on the speculative gold stocks sector in years!

Cast as the perennial bad guy of financial assets, gold faces many protagonists. Low gold prices reassure the bond market that commodity prices remain tame and that no inflationary threat exists.

February 18, 1999

Panicky peddling. . was not our expectation Tues. night when S&P premiums evaporated, and a big discount prevailed on the overnight Globex market.

Gold IRA eBook

The California Gold Rush began on January 24, 1848 when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma.

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