first majestic silver

Alex Wallenwein

Alex Wallenwein Articles

In short, gold will bottom when stocks bottom and the dollar bounce falters - unless fund managers run out of gold to sell before either of the other two events occur (or unless global investors suddenly come to their senses. Good luck on...
Who Should Use them - and Why A recent US Court of Appeals decision puts Congress' 1977 re-authorization of gold clauses back on the map - just in time to help business owners protect themselves from progressive, terminal dollar-decay
That's a silly question. Gold doesn't go anywhere. What "goes" up or down are the dollar figures we have all been trained to attach to it - but we all know, for a fact, how illusory those are. (If you really insist on an answer to the...
Of course - to any Wall Street power broker, economist, or US policy maker, this headline means the equivalent of “Only Space Aliens Can Halt Teenage Pregnancies”. In other words, it’s a total non-sequitur to them. So what? Who cares...
Introduction Reinventing the Wheel The Advantages of Bullion As Global Currency The 'Medium and the Message' No Competition Means Inflation
Is it time to bail out of shares? Many gold shares owners are pulling their hairs out every morning in front of their computers. "Those suckers just keep going down, and down, and down!" Most shares and indexes haven't seen new highs since...
Gold is a lot of things to a lot of people. To some, it is a threat. To some, it is a "trade". To some others, it is an "investment." And to yet others, it is a store of value, and - oh yeah - some people look at it as a currency, too....
On January 18, 2004, Reuters reported that former Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahatir Mohamed, advised Saudi Arabia to demand gold for its oil. For a couple of days, the Internet was all abuzz about the statement, but nothing was written to...
It used to be that Greenspan’s Fedspeak moved the world’s currency and investment markets. No longer. The baton has passed, and it has passed to none other than (I wish I could do a better parody of a French accent in writing) “Muhsieur...
The primary reasons behind the dollar's foreign exchange value movements are no longer monetary. Since the creation and launch of the euro currency, they have become geopolitical. The dollar used to be "the only game in town."...

India and the U.S. trump Italy as top gold jewelry exporters.

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