First, from John Brimelow:
Indian ex duty premiums: AM $4.68, PM $5.32, with world gold at $267.20 and $266. Above legal import point, although showing understandable signs of shock.
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
First, from John Brimelow:
Indian ex duty premiums: AM $4.68, PM $5.32, with world gold at $267.20 and $266. Above legal import point, although showing understandable signs of shock.
On March 6th and 7th, there was a meeting of top Russian Politicians, Bankers, Economists held in Moscow. Sponsored by an agency of the Russian government, its focus was entirely on the U.S. economy.
Frank Veneroso recently put together for GATA a review of the current situation in leased gold and the current supply/demand picture for gold as he sees it:
In ages past, the money markets of the world used to obey well-known classical rules. Whenever a country suffered substantial current-account deficits, for instance, its currency faced devaluation pressures. is read by millions. It is our forum for gold, silver, and stock trends, theories, graphs, estimates, plus assorted opinions and predictions. Wonderful web site, and thanks to its suppliers.
A cottage industry has developed comparing modern America with ancient Rome and its decline. While I share some of the adherents views, I'm much too good of a historian to believe the past repeats itself exactly.
Last week gold broke through two technical resistance prices, and today fell back, as might be expected, after piercing the $292 an ounce resistance point. Last week gold rose $19.60 an ounce to close at $287.40 an ounce.
Alan Greenspan nervously awaited the results of the day's work. And what a day it had been! His furrowed brow and haggard expression were manifest tokens of the exasperation he felt. The day was Monday, October, 19, 1987.
Internal erosion became evident on Tuesday . .
As we predicted in last month's commentary headlined "May the Magic Month for Gold," the gold market has launched the bull market we have waited for right on schedule.
On Friday, I informed you that it was the BULLION DEALERS and TRADE that ran up the gold price after it broke above $275.
The price of gold exploded upward by $18.25 per ounce last week to close at $286.15 in New York. Why this dramatic rise?
As we examine 6000 years of monetary history, several very clear "Monetary Constants" seem to emerge. These very same constants have appeared throughout time and millennia, regardless of the empire, ruler or social structure of the day.
Tuesday's assessment of the action as favorable . . .
Monday's hypnotic oscillations reinforced the nagging feeling that, Fed-wise, investors may no longer know what to hope for.
The global currency outlook as it now stands sends two powerful messages to investors, bankers and politicians the world over: a.) the U.S.
Is this what a post-bubble economy is supposed to feel like? Folks are still borrowing and spending, with consumer credit up an annualized 4.7% in March, revolving credit up an incredible 11.7%. Summer tourists are starting to clog the streets of Manhattan.
The readers of this website are certainly more perspicacious than the average surfer. They open their eyes and use their minds and realize that the truth is far from what they are told by possibly well-meaning, but nonetheless wrong, pundits and commentators.
Gold price manipulated?
Conspirator theory rattles the market.
Circumstantial evidence shall be presented at a conference in South Africa.
The stock market has looked positively serene recently -- but so, too, at times did Hollywood's patron saint of schizophrenia, Norman Bates.
NEWS-GURU Doug Gillespie Suggests Rate Cut Won't do Much for Stocks.
In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the stock cycle) were closely relate
In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the stock cycle) were closely relate
Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.
Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.
Dried-up trading volume . .
Of course we all remember Dragnet, with Joe Friday telling everyone that he just wanted the facts. (If you are in the west and love old radio, LA 50,000 watt KNX radio, AM 1070, has old radio shows twice a night, at 9PM and 2AM Pacific time.
It is my hypothesis that the price of gold has been manipulated since August 5, 1993.
The action in the stock market yesterday was very interesting. Before the market opened, unemployment numbers caught Wall Street off guard because they were much higher than expected. Actually the consensus was for a slight gain in employment.
In our study of chart patterns, we have discovered a variation of a classical chart formation that contains tremendous significance from both a time cycle point of view as well as a supply/demand perspective.