Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

Last week we saw that gold and silver were both looking good for the near to medium term future. What happened last with the two metals, however, did not live up to the promise hinted at by the technical analysis, with the prices coming...
Most of us pride ourselves on the fact – belief? delusion? – that we are rational and logical people who look at the available hard facts as the point of departure for us to perform objective analysis of a situation in pursuit of what is...
Last week, the rise in global influence of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was the main topic of discussion. This means that the concept of the “Great Reset,” which is intended to establish the New World Order (NWO) is on track according to...
Two weeks ago the subject of the US Markets was the Ides of March and the spectre of bad news that hangs around that date since the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC and a prospect of a week of bad news. On 14 March the yiel d on the US 10...
Perhaps the 0.25% increase in rates will in due course be seen as the real bad news of the Ides of March week, but so far it is for Wall Street a reason to rally enough to set a new intermediate high on recent record daily volume.
The Romans are said to have had a warning, brief and to the point as Latin often is, that translates as “Buyer beware!.” It would not be farfetched to believe that the same warning, phrased much the same, existed in Sumerian and other old...
The world has changed significantly over, say, the past 4-5 decades. Many of the logical cause-effect relationships that one could rely on in the past to anticipate future trends and events no longer hold true as we have become accustomed...
It is often said that a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. What is not said is what goes on before that first step; does one stand frozen until the decision to start walking is made? Of course not; one ambles around...
The markets have been quite volatile recently, not so much in terms of major trends – as yet? – but definitely in terms of high volume activity, many signs of intervention in most markets and lack of proper and clear direction. It is like...
It is a well-known fact that the view individuals have of the world around them is very much coloured by a filter that operates between their eye and their brains. The filter is the combination of their preferences and prejudices regarding...

The periodic symbol for gold is AU which come from the Latin for gold aurum.

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