Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

In a conversation among people old enough to remember, the word ‘bubble’ brings back memories of 1987 and 2000 and the Nasdaq.com frenzy. The craziness of the South Sea Island bubble in the UK and John Law and his Banque Generale in France...
There is widespread disappointment in the PM camp now that we are almost 3 weeks into the new BASEL lll regime and little has happened. With new rules to differentiate between allocated and unallocated gold on the books of the banks, with...
Happy Independence Day to all readers! Mark Twain is often quoted to have said quite famously, “You get lies, damned lies and statistics”, or words to that effect. Now Mark was not an economist or a statistician, so the veracity of his...
“Basel lll is an internationally agreed set of measures developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in response to the financial crisis of 2007-09. Like all Basel Committee standards, Basel lll standards are minimum...
We perceive the world around us through glasses that are colored by our previous experiences, or likes and dislikes and very much so, our prejudices. Yet there are certain guidelines for our attempts to make sense of what we see and hear...
Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of the man on the street, describes the practice by central banks of “inflation targeting” as Monetary policy - “Inflation targeting is a monetary policy where a central bank follows an explicit target for the...
The eagerly awaited end of the month of May has arrived and is becoming history. It is too early to say whether the Comex end of month developments measure up to expectations that have been repeatedly raised since the aborted attempt to...
The accepted and ruling ideology in different countries is perhaps the dominant factor that distinguishes between peoples and countries throughout history. Different ideas of how the world should appear take root in different countries and...
The Cold War ended with the dissolution of the USSR and for a long time afterwards the US remained the sole dominant presence in the world. Then two things happened to begin to change the world order. First was the rise of China and over a...
The Chris Marcus Letter to Acting Head of the CFTC, Rostin Benham, to remind him of the implications of what he had said in an interview, describes a smoking gun that had made a loud bang in the PM market. Whether its reverberations are...

According to the Talmud you should keep one-third of your assets each in land, business interests, and gold.

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