first majestic silver

Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

In WW11, after the Allies had landed in Normandy and continued the invasion towards the German heartland, the writing was on the wall. Reason and logic said Hitler and Germany should capitulate to save lives; to begin to rebuild their...
Predictions of what could be the Greatest Crash on Wall Street have been floating around for a long time, longer than a year at least. The Covid crash of March 2020 resulted in a spike in the more intense “This is it!” claims from letter...
According to many commentators on the markets, we stand at the cusp of a major change in US and global markets and therefore in the condition of the US and the global economies. A look at the longer term charts of some key US markets opens...
During the past two years the world has changed. Events that have changed our lives in a substantial and unexpected manner, permanently in most cases so far, are not so frequent. Within living memory, or at least life span, of people still...
Americans pride themselves that during the 20th century they developed the United States of America to firstly equal all the world’s major powers and, after WWI, became pre-eminent in practically all aspects of human endeavour.
The ongoing Battle of Wall Street has entered a new phase last week. Until recently, with few exceptions, it was mostly the Bears who were on the offensive. The covert Bulls were content to keep their defense of the market quiet, doing...
Last week we saw from a chart of the steep and narrow rising wedge on the S&P500 that Wall Street is teetering on the edge of a cliff. After a weaker close the previous Thursday and Friday, Monday last week started with a BANG out of...
The Wall Street Bear is back! Or is he? Starting as far back as 2009, Wall Street has exhibited amazing resilience whenever it ran into headwinds of various kinds. 2009 was a big one; yet the rebound took off and did not falter, except for...
So far, at least, increasing inflation does not in the least seem to be of a ‘transitory’ nature. In fact, it could be speeding up. Also so far, there is no noticeable decrease in the printing of dollars. The number of Covid-19 cases is... will stop. (Herb Stein an economist on Reagan’s panel in the 1980s). Now why would anyone blessed with good intelligence consider it necessary to formulate a Law that is as pure common sense as one which states, “If you stop breathing...

The naturally occurring gold-silver alloy is called electrum.

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