first majestic silver

Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

When two opponents are locked in a quite evenly balanced bitter and struggle, the balance tends to sway first one way and then the other as either side manages to find and exploit an opportunity until the other counters it then pulls out...
Life has kept changing at an ever faster pace since the early folks changed from hunting and digging for their food to growing it and thus able to establish settled communities. What has helped speeding up the rate of change was the...
The month of May still has a few days to go before, as is generally assumed, action will return to the markets when the calendar turns to June. It is not known whether the widely held view that the month of May is a time of lackadaisical...
Last week was ‘A waiting game’ – now ‘Sell in May and go away’ - the annual ritual of the markets going quiet as summer begins to set in is in control again, with two weeks still to go before June brings the early heat of summer to most US...
Much has been written in many places about the long-term suppression of the price of gold that had probably been going on with no interruption since the time of the London Gold Pool in the 1960s except, perhaps, with a break after the...
During the run-up to the 2016 US presidential elections, there was speculation that if Trump were to be elected it would prove beneficial to gold and silver. Their reasons were not very specific and might have been merely hope that any...
. . . And a season for every activity under the heavens. So too, a time for the bull and a time for the bear and it would seem we are in for a change of the seasons. A change of that nature is not a one day affair, but is spread over time...
Last week we looked at monthly exponential charts of gold and silver and found that these charts also show remarkable patterns. Given all the excitement that Wall Street experienced late last week, it seemed a good idea to do a similar...
Regular readers will be familiar with the charts used in these reports. The fact that the gradients of all the trend lines used in the analysis are derived from the master line shown as M, nevertheless might not be fully appreciated.
Recently, the gold/silver ratio broke and held above the 80 level for the first time since before 2000 and is now hovering at that level again. This have attracted much attention from commentators, at least one of whom saw it as a distinct...

According to the Talmud you should keep one-third of your assets each in land, business interests, and gold.

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