Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

2020 came to a rather muddled up end, with the election still undecided and prices of gold and silver having spent nearly five months under tight control. The new year was barely one day old when the fireworks that rang out the old year...
. . . for the wrong reasons. Normally, this issue would be a preview of what could be expected in the new year. This time around the future is badly out of focus, as if one with poor eyesight is looking at a distant vista wearing his...
The president’s election has turned more convoluted than even the more complex plots of a top mystery writer. It looks to take more than a week or two, into 2021, to resolve in either one way or another. Time enough then to speculate about...
Cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling one gets when, for example, one is in a new place and one ‘knows’ instinctively where east and west is, but then the sun the next morning rises in what one ‘knows’ is ‘west.’ It...
A recent more often read word in commentaries on matter of an economic nature is “reset”. As a term it is unlike, ‘overweight, ‘fast’ and ‘tall’, where people know quite well what it means; it is more like “beautiful’ and ‘rich’, where the...
The past almost 3 weeks prove the point made here last week: the US of today is far removed from what it used to be during the years before and for a few decades after WWII. The physical and emotional violence of the past four years,...
Evolution is often defined as “survival of the fittest”. Those who are better able to exploit opportunities offered by the circumstances in which the live, better at the process of adapting to changes and trends in their environments, even...
Few if any among us who have lived to maturity did not at some time have to make a choice that affected our lives by sending us down a path much different from the one implied by the other choice. Hopefully, by far the majority among us,...
Last week’s US Market’s asked a question about the future of the dollar, using a chart of the dollar index to find an answer. This week, a similar question is asked about equities and the answer is provided by a long term chart of the...
The US dollar, as the reserve currency of the world, is the single most important entity in global trade and finance. Assisted by the US 10-year rate and the level and trend of Wall Street, the sate of these three markets , either...

The first use of gold as money occurred around 700 B.C., when Lydian merchants (western Turkey) produced the first coins

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