first majestic silver

Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

So the end of April came and is now gone and we have entered the merrie month of May, with good memories of what had happened at this time last year. The question whether the short squeeze of silver is coming in to play is still open, but...
Prior to the presidential election, I expressed my concerns regarding how things would change should Biden be the winner. That of course came to pass. I have tried to keep my comments to a minimum until more is known of the changes that...
The campaign against gold that had started in early 1996 when the price broke above $400 to upset the powers that be has entered a new phase. This is the third time in my memory that the PM market stands at the brink of what could become a...
Angels At His Head, And Angels At His Feet, Just Like A Little Babe, Our Little Bear Does Sleep. If by pure chance the persistent and severe attack on the prices of gold and silver is an inverse measure of the degree of general complacency...
When a stage magician draws a rabbit out of a top hat, you KNOW that it had been there all the time. When he closes his pretty assistant in a large box sitting on a table and then, when he pulls the sides down she is no longer there, you...
From the NY Times on Saturday: The package would inject vast amounts of federal resources into the economy, including direct payments of up to $1,400 for hundreds of millions of Americans, jobless aid of $300 a week to last through the...
At first glance, the March squeeze on silver has failed, or so we might be told in the knee-jerk reflex school of comment. The price of both gold and silver reached new recent lows right at noon on Friday, to leave many of the recently...
About a year ago, when what soon became known as the COVID-19 pandemic had started to spread from its epi-centre in Wuhan in China to the rest of the world, I wrote that 2020 would go down in history, along with 1939, 1973 and 2001, as a...
The crossing of the Delaware in midwinter on Christmas Eve of 1776 was General Washington’s major commitment to take the revolution to the enemy. Now, a little more than 245 years later, a similar opportunity for a similar inspirational...
The Constitution of the United States is an awesome document that has stood the test of time, despite having been amended a number of times to allow for changing circumstances, much of these related to individual rights and privacy.

A sheet of gold can be made thin enough to be transparent

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