first majestic silver

Daan Joubert

Daan Joubert Articles

Last week it was mentioned how a miraculously high Non-Farm number has again been announced (just like in 2012). Now that Trump’s statements on the poor state of the US economy have received much media attention and comments from many...
The good Non-Farm Employment number on Friday came as if it were pre-ordained in order to be the hammer that was urgently needed to knock the gold and silver prices back into submission –- and to lift the S&P500 above what I had called...
Perhaps the time has come to shake off the summer doldrums…and for the markets to stop acting in the strange fashion (as discussed last week). Some initial signs from last week are that markets are in a transition to become ‘normal’ – or...
It is not often that I make explicit statements of what markets will do over the near to even medium-term. My work tend to be based on patterns that span long-term history and the forecast tends to cover a quite a long time span. Quite...
Last week, the heading, ‘Miracle or hoax?’ was a reference to the strange strength of the DJIA following the dire warnings for markets should Brexit happen – as it did. It became even more of a mystery with sustained strength last week to...
On Friday, the DJIA closed at 18516.55 to set a brand new all-time high; this after plummeting by 611 points to 17400 points only ten trading days earlier, when the Brits unexpectedly voted to leave the EU – an outcome that before the...
In the run up to the referendum, much was said about the absolute horrors that would descend on the world should the Brits be so callous as to depart from their association with their European friends and erstwhile enemies…and consequently...
What makes a black swan? A working definition would be the swan is an unforeseen event that has the impact to unexpectedly reroute a majority of major markets in a negative way. If an event was not foreseen, but only affects a single...
With the half-year end just 5 trading days away, we suddenly have a small black gosling on the radar coming in to land. The question whether it will in fact land is perhaps not as important as to how large it will by the time it does so....
Last week provided confirmation that the tide of battle in the 2011 war on gold and silver has turned, as anticipated last week. However, winning a major battle is not the end of the war. When the Allies stopped Rommel’s advance eastward...

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