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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


August 26, 2005

In order to make the big returns offered by resource stocks, it is only logical that you should have some understanding of the underlying resource, whether that resource is gold, silver, oil or, as discussed here, uranium.

August 25, 2005

Yesterday on CNBC's "Closing Bell" my bullish opponent in a "Bull vs. Bear" debate rebutted my argument that Americans saved too little by claiming that the methodology used to calculate savings was flawed as it omits the accumulation of home equity.

August 23, 2005

August 22, 2005

There is no question that we have a 'Barrel of Troubles" from the Devil of The Twin Deficits (Trade & Budget) to the Deep Blue Sea of the Looming Bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

August 20, 2005

What Will Cause the Next Recession?

$70 Tank of Gas

The Housing Market Starts to Show Signs of Weakness

Greenspan - Where's the Fire?

Malta? New York, London, Brussels, Sofia, Toronto, Etc.

The world of energy has many faces in the past two years. As the Middle East and Caspian Region encounter growing US Military presence, alliances have formed and are solidifying along the periphery.

August 19, 2005


August 17, 2005

It's time we all stopped bellyaching and begging the government to fix our every minor problems and started taking responsibility for ourselves. Let's take the price of gas as an example. The Congress has managed to hold up the Energy Bill for five years.

Yesterday the Labor Department reported that July Consumer Prices rose by .5%. Today we were informed that July producer prices rose an even sharper 1%.

August 16, 2005

...Are doomed to repeat it!

There has been much debate in recent months/years regarding the symptoms of Central Bank excesses - which excesses range from excessive expansion of the money supply, to excessive downward pressure on short term interest rates.

August 14, 2005

August 13, 2005

It is six months since the last in the series of long term reports on the US Bond market, the gold price and US dollar-Yen, using the principles of Chart Symmetry.

August 10, 2005

Most economists whose opinions are promoted, or are used to defend public policy, are very shallow, faulty, suspect, and compromised. That has been my opinion for years. Here my usual fare of harsh criticism will soften into mixed criticism.

August 8, 2005

August 5, 2005

Whenever an asset falls in value by 80%, it has to be examined for its potential as a contrarian, value-oriented investment. Such is the case with Palladium.

In the second week since China's announcement of its decision to abandon the yuan's peg to the dollar, the reaction in global financial markets has intensified.

Recently, there were some interesting articles that discussed silver related issues in Mexico, like the unfolding of the "Peak Oil" scenario in Mexico and its impact on the Peso (

August 4, 2005

Despite a sharply falling dollar, the U.S. Trade Deficit has continued to confound the experts by steadily increasing to new record levels of 6.3 % of GDP. What are the implications of this for the U.S. economy and what, if anything, should be done about it?

August 3, 2005

Today's (to be giant) Gold Bull Market continues grudgingly backing and filling so as to attract as few followers as possible.

August 2, 2005

A recent email exchange took place between me and the venerable Kurt Richebächer. We keep in contact regularly but not too frequently.

August 1, 2005

It was a July summer evening in La Jolla, a weekday night, and our favorite restaurant had an hour and a half wait to be seated. So, we went to an alternate restaurant. It was full, but able to seat us. The economy, on the surface looks like it'sbooming.

The left hemisphere of the human brain is where all the logical and sequential thought processes take place, whereas the right hemisphere of the brain is where the aha!! moments of inspired discovery come from.

July 29, 2005

Foreign Content 30% Ceiling Has Been Removed... (finally)

July 28, 2005

One week after China's decision to scrap its dollar peg, the Bank of China has already back- peddled, warning currency traders not to expect any further appreciation of the yuan.

July 27, 2005

These modern alchemists at the US Federal Reserve are in a pickle. They must promote an image of seeking monetary neutrality in the setting of interest rates.

July 26, 2005

Below is an extract from a commentary originally posted at on 17th July 2005.

July 25, 2005

Historically, one of the primary reasons for owning gold, silver or platinum bullion has been their ability to preserve purchasing power during inflationary periods. Over the long term, inflation robs us of purchasing power.

July 23, 2005

The views expressed in this column over the past couple of years have been wide ranging and, at times, disconnected. It seems appropriate at this point to set out a consolidated overview.

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The Incas thought gold represented the glory of their sun god and referred to the precious metal as “Tears of the Sun.”

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