first majestic silver

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD Articles

YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST The Junk to Treasury spread is widening rapidly and you ain't seen anything yet.
This Market, including stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities have all been built on a massive amount of credit and "out of thin air" monetary creation. But unlike all previous massive printing press monetary inflations, this one has...
Berenanke's hands are tied, he cannot lower rates for fear of a US $ collapse. On the other hand, the money out of thin air creation machine cannot work while lending standards are being tightened. Risk is in the process of being re-priced...
Every ten years or so, we hear the ardent cry of "this time it's different" and/or "we have now entered another new paradigm that will lead to UP, UP and away." In the late 60's, it was The Nifty 50's. For those of you who don't know what...
Don't ever confuse being in a Bull Market with Brains; it is easy to look smart in the midst of a Bull Market when one stupid theory after another comes out and is splashed all over the front pages as the Media leads the cheerleaders, such...
It is practically impossible to find a government economist, central banker, or private mainstream economist today who shows the slightest concern for the store-of-value function of Money. Governments as well have shown a complete...
With the price of Gold less than 7% off of its six year high, I am amazed by how nervous more and more Investors or shall I say Gold traders are becoming. After a near perfect five year, Elliott wave Bull Market run, we had a near perfect...
Before grappling with and trying to solve any problem, one must first accumulate and then examine the real facts. The sub-prime borrowers are definitely at risk of losing their homes, but they are NOT the ones who are in trouble since most...

18 karat gold is 75% pure gold.

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