first majestic silver

Popular Manifesto: Demand for Solutions

January 15, 2014

Back in late 2004 during the first year of the Hat Trick Letter, my father had a conversation with me on his front porch. He was concerned about a negative streak in my perspective and a critical slant in my analytic work. He actually helped me in writing style, not content, like to correct errors in sentence construction. He pointed out lack of parallels, dangling modifiers, vague antecedents, and competing imagery. Many smaller discussions had taken place about a broken economy, absent industry from offshore efforts, debt buildup, enormous imbalances, the war machine emphasis, banker corruption, and unsound money itself. He always was concerned about the federal debt, citing it many times, and was alarmed later in 2006 when informed that foreigners held more than half our debt. He challenged me to produce solutions to the current difficult situation in the United States, an invitation to embark upon a positive streak. He was warned to be discouraged by the task. My response was direct and immediate, as a list would be produced, along with reasons why not a single suggestion would ever come to pass. The following comments between us were focused on the naive nature of the entire exercise, since a vile criminal element had overtaken the nation at its highest levels. He disagreed and scoffed at any fascist reference, despite the recital of fascist evidence on my diligent student-like part. After the list was offered to my father, which contained most of the items listed below, he never pursued the negative streak criticism again. He was overwhelmed at the details, and the linked reasons for the continued broken features, each tied to corrupt elements and their extreme profiteering. My oft-used line was that where multi-$billions in profiteering and exploitation were involved, even if countless citizen lives were affected, the crime would continue. He was silent at the end, pensive, discouraged, impressed, but silent, exactly as warned. He admitted not to understand much of the factors.

In the following years, his subtle insults about a crystal ball and boasts of correct forecasts tossed the gauntlet once more before the Jackass feet. My response was to list almost 20 correct forecasts, against possibly two in error. There is always a desire for a son to please and impress his father, like a cat dropping a captured bird before the master's feet. The phenomenon is only human and reaches into the deepest part of our origins in family. Our relationship remains strained, but he has noted the impressive newsletter parade in general terms. He realizes that a solution is not coming internally to the nation, as it will be imposed from foreign entities and forces. He realizes the King Dollar is in trouble, without benefit of any perception of the Petro-Dollar defacto standard or the many devices relied upon to hold the system in place. He realizes that many forecasts have been correct, although the details and rationale are not fully comprehended. Every veiled insult of a crystal ball, or misinterpreted past analytic point (called wrong forecast) has been met with a friendly offering of the correct forecast list. He once asked to hear a few in specific terms, asked and delivered with a synopsis of reasoning behind the call and statement of its advanced call. Finally he gets it.

The sad state of affairs has as much to do with inadequate education in economics, finance, and science, as it does with apathy, everyday pressures, and ample distractions. It is always difficult to achieve approval from the general audience when operating within the alternative media, where rebels roam and the lunatic fringe is tolerated. My frequent reminder to clients is that 80% of the mainstream media news stories are lies, or contain deep deceptions to support the power structure, while 80% of the alternative media is truth, with its fair share of exaggerations and lesser journalist quality.


Permit the Jackass a diversion into the ideal realm. It will pass. Many identifiable solutions can be cited if the people are determined to work toward a solution for the United States of America, for its return to health and strength, for its restoration as a cradle of capitalism and a beacon of freedom. Obviously it is too late, but from an idealist point of view, many solutions do exist and could have been pursued following the 2000 market bust and tech telecom chapter. They also could have been pursued following the 2008 market bust and Lehman chapter. They could have been pursued following the Black Money 1987 event, which was the original quintessential signal of dire conditions. The 1987 event in the Jackass view was a seminal signal in response to a decade of moving US industry offshore to the Pacific Rim. The event was a financial tremor in response. Each breakdown has resulted in deeper commitment in the wrong direction, deeper devotion to the financial sector, deeper involvement in criminal behavior. Each breakdown resulted in an even greater dependence upon asset bubbles for wealth creation, instead of work. Each bust leads to deep corruption, not a pursuit of solutions.

The climax error was the Most Favored Nation status granted to China, which led to the departure of a significant core of US industry, along with its legitimate core income. National treason, both political and corporate, became touted as expedient, with veiled cries of patriotism heard. The dependence grew acutely in the last 2000 decade, where the great asset bubble was the housing market and mortgage finance twin bubble. The current greatest asset bubble is the USTreasury Bonds complex, the final chapter before financial ruin and systemic breakdown. The hidden official objective is to preserve power, not to reinstate conditions for a viable future. Evidence is seen in the QE to Infinity for monetized bond purchase (heretic to the core), and the Zero Interest Rate Policy forever (heretic to the core). Both monetary policies are blessed as necessary, prudent, even urgent today, in a grotesque display of disastrous leadership which presides over catastrophe. The bitter fruit of the Fascist Business Model is being witnessed today. It began twelve years ago with a Fascist Manifesto. Let this list serve as Popular Manifesto that addresses the broken parts, the criminal elements, and the deep rot, with cries for effective process, equitable function, and justice.

Consider the following solutions. The first has been regularly recited by the Jackass as demonstrated proof that the political and banking leadership are not pursuing a solution at all, and never have been. They avoid the big bank liquidation as a start. They instead have promoted the Too Big to Fail mantra, which has morphed into the Too Big to Manage mantra, and later into the Too Big to Jail jabber. The objective in the policy making circles has been since 2007 to preserve the power structure and to retain the privilege to print wealthy to their own camp in the banking sector. The objective has not been to pursue solutions, to order reform, or to work in reconstruction. The result has been degradation and continued collapse, while every major financial market is controlled, and the entire housing market is charred wreckage. The people used to enjoy protection from the managed inflation by home ownership. No longer. They used to have a backup pension fund, but it is at great risk. They used to have a vote, but the entire voting process has been subverted by direct fraud and Diebold software controls, even bussed aliens lined up at the voting centers. The list of 2004 solutions offered by the Jackass should be revisited. In review, notice how each element of the proposed manifesto of solutions has no chance whatsoever of being installed as policy. They go against the heart of the power structure and controlled markets. They outline what the officials would deem sedition, if not revolt. Recall that the Occupy Wall Street movement was dealt with like a terrorist organization. Nevertheless, consider the list and chew over their themes, while reviewing the many policy directives in the last ten years that have remained in a dedicated and committed manner off the trajectory toward solution, while maintaining the primary official objective of retaining power. The policy answers of free money, ample controls, lost rights, and fresh socialist programs are the bitter fruit of failure. A failed state lies before us.

1)Liquidate the big broken insolvent banks, since they are crime centers, then follow through with RICO asset seizures with a team of special prosecutors answering to the states, not the federal government.

2)Halt all USGovt security agency narcotics business, including DEA drug seizures going into inventory, and Coast Guard escorts of incoming shipments, even usage of the presidential yacht through the Panama Canal, and eliminate the usage of NATO airbases for narcotics distribution, finally investigating Wall Street banks for money laundering of narcotics funds.

3)End a foreign war after the first six months, after which the cost & benefit is openly analyzed in a public forum, along with defense contractor gains, while giving full debate to the War Powers Act in returning them to the Congress, and instead engaging in peace talks.

4)Eliminate all former Wall Street bankers from participating in any federal financial regulatory body, using instead regional bankers from the many states and corporate heads.

5)Eliminate all financial contributions to Congressional members, and all private contributions to legislation, with prosecution and disclosure of all large past donations and their effects, using a portion of IRS tax receipts instead for political campaigns.

6)Force divestiture of all conglomerate corporations in the news media organizations, including television, newspaper, magazine, radio, and online sites with encouragement by the FCC for small private media businesses alongside regional and village voices.

7)Limit the advertisement and financial support for financial media by the banking sector and managed fund centers, due to conflict of interest.

8)Conduct full audits with powerful prosecution on Pentagon procurements and appropriations for the last 30 years, including the $2.2 trillion USArmy Accounting report that was discussed the day before 911. Recall that over 80% of Pentagon victims from the 911 attack were accountants working in or near that office.

9)Return the majority of off-shore manufacturing to the US, by means of tax credits and regulatory waivers, even industrial parks, with further credits on worker training programs, in order to restore idle plants, rather than to permit China to do the same on US soil.

10)Eliminate all financial sector computer generated buy programs, the so-called High Frequency Trading, with private sector investigations into insider trading from private state prosecutors.

11)Force total complete full disclosure of the extensive financial derivatives that support the vaporous financial foundation, including foreign financial subsidiaries, which extend to LIBOR, FOREX, and Gold markets.

12)Halt all further home foreclosures, rescind all foreclosures in process, conduct full national investigations into the mortgage bond fraud, the mortgage bond fraud by Fannie Mae et al, the mortgage contract fraud by Wall Street banks, the MERS title database fraud, and work a national program to enable dispossessed citizens to win back their homes, during restitution lawsuits of the big banks and financial firms responsible.

13)Force total complete full disclosure of the USDept Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund, and all its tentacles, including to foreign financial markets.

14)End taxation on ex-patriots who leave the United States after a three-year period, following a submission of a financial statement, with a suggestion box on how to improve life in our once great nation.

15)Install tougher math and science requirements for graduation from US high schools, and designate poor high school districts for property tax sharing from some wealthy districts in order to fund the poor ones.

16)Shut down the COMEX for contract fraud, which has extended to a stack of naked shorts in precious metals, evergreen gold contracts, and lately refusal to deliver on PM contracts, even forced cash settlement.

17)Enforce the Freedom of Information Act, and shut down the Utah NSA center, otherwise called the Big Brother Fortress, then grant high priority to protection to all whistle blowers at the corporate and national level, followed by elimination of all coordinated projects with Intel, Microsoft, Google, FaceBook, and other processor designers and social media firms.

18)Rescind the Patriot Act and restore the Constitution with Bill of Rights, while conducting an investigation of all Supreme Court justices for bribery, coercion, and conflict of interest.

19)Remove illegal aliens from the United States after a 90-day warning, unless they pursue a newly designed fast track citizenship program for integration.

20)Return to the Gold standard for a new Global Dollar, and encourage barter systems that reduce the payment streams, while encouraging other nations to construct regional currencies backed by their own ample resources, then tying them to the Global Dollar flagship in a tributary development system.

Dream on, folks! Idealism has its place in the town halls, college dorms, bar rooms, and man caves. In the meantime invest in Gold & Silver bars and coins, and store your booty outside the US borders. The threats to personal wealth have never been so great. This entire article should be regarded as a warning and wake-up call that bonafide solutions are not on the table and are actually considered unpatriotic if not laden with sedition. No solutions are coming, only a slam of non-linear adjustments and painful resets. The only response to unsound money, hidden wealth confiscation, and obstacles to secure true savings should be urgent investment in Gold & Silver and defiance of spouted propaganda.

The solution is coming, but it comes from the East like a sledge hammer. The centers for global financial reform are the BRICS nations, the G-20 Forum, the Shanghai Coop Organization, and GATA. If and when the solution is imposed from entities outside the nation, then the result will be a rapid decline, a sudden shock, and a vast elimination of paper wealth inside the United States. The Jackass has been clear for several years, that the USA is heading for a slide into the De-Industrialized Third World (DI3W) for refusal to pursue proper just solutions. The slide will occur when the USDollar is no longer widely accepted for trade payments. The slide will occur when the USTreasury Bond is no longer widely used for banking system reserves. The global financial hegemony, whereby the USDollar in recent years has openly been supported by the USMilitary with flank support by numerous agencies, is coming to an end. The people can join the Gold Train with Silver cars, or they can watch their home equity, pension funds, life savings, and income sources go down the drain as the global reset occurs. The reset is code word for the Return to Gold Standard, but the USGovt authorities do not wish to forewarn its population of a grand resurrection in the gold price. The Elite are furiously buying and stealing gold, sometimes under cover of war. The United States is the obstacle for the final implementation of the global reset. Invest in Gold & Silver, if you can find any at these artificial intervened phony prices. Find an Asian source, hire an Asian agent, and use an Asian vault. All has been turned upside down, as formerly communist has converted to capitalist, and formerly capitalist has converted to fascist. Go Gold!!



From subscribers and readers:

At least 30 recently on correct forecasts regarding the bailout parade, numerous nationalization deals such as for Fannie Mae and the grand Mortgage Rescue.

"Jim Willie is a gift to our age who is the only clear voice sounding the alarm of the extreme financial crisis facing the Western nations. He has unique skills of unbiased analysis with synthesis of information from his valuable sources. Since 2007, he has made over 17 correct forecast calls, each at least a year ahead of time. If you read his work or listen to his interviews, you will see what has been happening, know what to expect, and know what to do."

   (Charles in New Mexico)

"I commend the Jackass for being the most accurate of all newsletter writers. Others called for the big move in Gold right away, but you understand that the enormous fraud in the system needs to play out before free market forces can begin to assert themselves. You seem to have the best sources and insights into the soap opera that is our global financial system. Most importantly, you have advised readers to be patient, stay safe, and avoid mining shares like the plague. Calling the top in the USTreasury Bond (10-yr yield at 1.4% yield) stands out as a recent fine accomplishment. The Jackass understands the markets, understands the fraud, and also has the sources to keep him the most up-to-date on the big geopolitical and financial events and scandals. Few or no other writers have all three of these resources."

   (Austin in California)

"A Paradigm change is occurring for sure. Your reports and analysis are historic documents, allowing future generations to have an accurate account of what and why things went wrong so badly. There is no other written account that strings things along on the timeline, as your writings do. I share them with a handful of incredibly influential people whose decisions are greatly impacted by having the information in the Jackass format. The system is coming apart on such a mega scale that it is difficult to wrap one's head around where all this will end. But then, the universe strives for equilibrium and all will eventually balance out."

   (The Voice, a European gold trader source)

Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie CB, also known as the “Golden Jackass”, is an insightful and forward-thinking writer and analyst of today's events, the economy and markets. In 2004 he launched the popular website that offers his articles of original “out of the box” thinking as well as content from top analysts and authors. He also has a popular and affordable subscription-based newsletter service, The Hat Trick Letter, which you can learn more about here.  

Jim Willie Background

Jim Willie has experience in three fields of statistical practice during 23 industry years after earning a Statistics PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. The career began at Digital Equipment Corp in Metro Boston, where two positions involved quality control procedures used worldwide and marketing research for the computer industry. An engineering spec was authored, and my group worked through a transition with UNIX. The next post was at Staples HQ in Metro Boston, where work focused on forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business amidst tremendous growth.

Jim's career continues to make waves in the financial editorial world, free from the limitations of economic credentials.

Jim is gifted with an extremely oversized brain as is evidenced by his bio picture. The output of that brain can be found in his articles below, and on the Silver-Phoenix500 website, on his own website, and other well-known financial websites worldwide.

For personal questions about subscriptions, contact Jim Willie at [email protected]


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