Bob Kirtley

Bob Kirtley Articles

Today, we will take a look at the damage inflicted on this sector by the recent sell-off and try to ascertain just what lies ahead for the precious metals stocks involved in gold and silver mining.
Let's start by defining investment and speculation, and for this purpose, I have used Investopedia: An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. Speculation refers to the act of conducting...
One of the reasons given for allocating a portion of one’s investment assets to the precious metals sector such as physical gold is that gold can be considered as an insurance policy against the devaluation of paper money. On my office...
This was a target we set on Monday, June 19, 2006. However, it is taking longer to get there than we anticipated back then. It was 10 years ago but the reasons for this gold price forecast were roughly as follows:
This year gold’s fortunes will be influenced by the actions of the Central Bankers and the Geo-Political chaos which is simmering in various parts of the world. We are all aware that there are many factors that influence the precious...
The Fed will hike rates this week. The US Dollar is strengthening. Fiscal policy is about to ignite economic growth. The ECB has reduced its rate of QE purchases. It doesn’t sound like now is the time to be buying gold, does it?
Gold prices are getting pummeled on a daily basis and appear to be coming down as fast as they went up. First we had Brexit which resulted in both the Euro and the British Pound getting sold off hard. When these two currencies lose value...
The gold and silver producers made a blistering start to the year. However, the second half of the year has been a totally different story. The chart below depicts the rise and fall of the gold producers which make up the Gold Bugs Index...
The next nine days or so will present gold with two major events both of which could impact on the gold price in different ways depending on their particular outcome and they are as follows: 1. Possible interest rate hikes in the US as the...
As the final presidential debate is over, one wonders if we will hear anything of substance or be subjected to a continuous barrage of ‘soap opera’ style chit chat. Hilary Clinton’s lead is increasing according to the bookies with the...

The first use of gold as money occurred around 700 B.C., when Lydian merchants (western Turkey) produced the first coins

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