Clive Maund

Technical Analyst & Author

Clive Maund

Clive P. Maund’s interest in markets started when, as an aimless youth searching for direction in his mid-20’s, he inherited some money. Unfortunately it was not enough to live a utopian lifestyle as a playboy or retire very young. Therefore on the advice of his brother, he bought a load of British Petroleum stock, which promptly went up 20% in the space of a few weeks. Clive sold them at the top…which really fired his imagination. The prospect of being able to buy securities and sell them later at a higher price, and make money for doing little or no work was most attractive – and so the quest began, especially as he had been further stoked up by watching from the sidelines with a mixture of fascination and envy as fortunes were made in the roaring gold and silver bull market of the late 70’s.

Clive furthered his education in Technical Analysis or charting by ordering various good books from the US and by applying what he learned at work on an everyday basis. He also obtained the UK Society of Technical Analysts’ Diploma.

The years following 2005 saw the boom phase of the Gold and Silver bull market, until they peaked in late 2011. While there is ongoing debate about whether that was the final high, it is not believed to be because of the continuing global debasement of fiat currency. The bear market since 2011 is viewed as being very similar to the 2-year reaction in the mid-70’s, which was preceded by a powerful advance and was followed by a gigantic parabolic price ramp. Moreover, Precious Metals should come back into their own when the various asset bubbles elsewhere burst, which looks set to happen anytime soon.

Visit Clive at his website:

Clive Maund Articles

A major “Sword of Damocles” overhanging global stock markets has been the situation with Deutsche Bank, which has a monumental derivative book and whose stock has been plunging to new lows. We have largely ignored this situation up until...
The purpose of this update is to point out that the PM sector correction may be completing RIGHT NOW, with sector indices at the 2nd low of a potential Double Bottom. Whether it is or not depends on the outcome of next week’s Fed meeting...
The markets don’t like uncertainty – and that’s what we’ve got until the next Fed meeting on 20th – 21st of this month, a week from now. So despite various Fed regional governors trying to talk the market up in the meantime, there is...
After what happened on Friday many Precious Metals sector investors are naturally concerned about the effect of further heavy losses in the broad market on the sector. Let’s now review Friday’s action, starting with the broad market itself...
While the Fed is almost powerless these days, as it has succeeded in "painting itself into a corner," the markets still seem to think that its utterances are important and react, sometimes violently, to its apparent stance, or implied...
We have already figured out that, faced with the choice between doing “helicopter money” and allowing a deflationary implosion to occur, those in power will elect the former. The reason is because it buys them more time by keeping the...
Woke up to stunning news this morning – sorry, I don’t stay up watching election results – that Britain has voted by a narrow but clear majority to leave the EU. I had feared that the British electorate would be cowed into submission by...
While the long-term outlook for gold could hardly be better. However, the short to medium-term outlook deteriorated substantially last week…with an important chart reversal on Thursday that was not negated by Friday’s bounce back. Moreover...
The latest gold COTs are out…and they are an absolute horror story: The Commercial Short and Large Spec Long positions having ramped up to multi-year extremes, which we can take to mean that the dollar is not going to crash its support in...
As a Brit, I well understand the deep admiration the Canadians have for their powerful neighbors south of the border, even if it is not always expressed. The good news in this update is that now is the time to "put your money where your...

U.S. ranks third in world gold production with 240 tons per year

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