first majestic silver

Dan Ascani

Dan Ascani Articles

There is no common definition of the terms "inflation" and "deflation" and certainly not much agreement even generically as to what they are. Most consumers feel inflation is when they must pay more for goods and deflation is when...
The article began like it was right out of our Forecast '97 and Forecast '98 annual reports: "A lot of companies are suddenly having to compete in a whole new world-one in which prices are actually falling," declared a recent Fortune...
This week U.S. investors were reassured that the Clinton Administration's agenda to "do something" about the global economic crisis is, in fact, now being implemented. The world's wealthiest countries Friday announced a plan to allow the...
September 17, 1998 05:23 GMT -- Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony before the House Banking Committee Wednesday confirmed something we have been forecasting for the end of the 1990s: a deflationary global debt collapse and what we...
September 12, 1998 05:06 GMT -- The long-awaited report from Independent Council Kenneth Starr is finally out, and the U.S. stock market didn't seem to care.
Most people do not wish to be alarmist, nor do they wish us to be alarmist. Yet, sometimes the reality of a situation sounds alarmist. Such may be the case now with the global economy, especially given this weekend's tense waiting game...

One cubic foot of gold weighs more than half a ton (1,306 pounds).

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