Dan Ascani

Dan Ascani Articles

Part 1 The Root of the Problem: A Banking System That Requires The Issuance of Debt In Order To Function When Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan last testified on monetary policy before the U.S. Senate Tuesday in July, he...
Part III Why Is Gold A Good Store of Value During Deflation? Our most popular Special Report has been Gold In A Deflationary Economy, researching over four centuries of inflation and deflation cycles and the true function of gold as a...
Part I Unbeknownst to a new generation of be-boppin' baby-boomers, the seeds were being sown for their new-millennium experience with deflation and a collapsing speculative bubble before they were even born.
If I hear it again, I'll get a megaphone and broadcast it myself right on Wall Street. Or, maybe not Wall Street--those guys probably already know. Instead, I'll drive a tractor up to CNBC studios in New Jersey, kind if like the farmers do...
Thursday’s Wall Street Journal was filled with articles about how risky the stock market is and about how Alan Greenspan is stubbornly holding onto his desire to gently prick what he perceives as a stock market bubble. Friday, the Dow...
The plot thickens: Along with currencies and interest rates, central banks add gold to their list of manipulated markets. But even the best laid plans of mice and men can't overpower checks and balances of the marketplace.
After the Problems Of 1980s, The Easy Money 1990s Helped Create A Stock Market Bubble. Then, The Fed Got Worried.
Part I Market Plunges, Signals Change In Psychology Ripped by profit-taking and a negative reaction to the announcement of a record Trade Deficit number, the U.S. stock market's sharp decline Tuesday left many puzzled as to why the...
The exact wording of a key portion of the Fed's official statement following its June 30 Federal Open Market Committee meeting read: "...the FOMC has chosen to adopt a directive that includes no predilection about near term policy action...
"We're dying from a thousand knives" beefed an Internet trader after this past week's Net stock bash that buried investors for losses in stocks like amazon.com, already down 50% from its all-time high, yahoo.com, down 36%, and AOL, down a...

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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