David Smith

Author and Senior Analyst @ The Morgan Report

David Smith

David Smith is Senior Analyst for TheMorganReport.com and a regular contributor to MoneyMetals.com. For the past 15 years, he has investigated precious metals’ mines and exploration sites in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Bolivia, China, Canada, and the U.S. He shares his resource sector findings with readers, the media, and North American investment conference attendees.

David Smith Articles

Metals and miners have a predictable seasonal tendency to decline in mid to late June and make a secondary – often slightly higher low – in the late July to mid-August period.
In what may be looked back upon as a historic debate, Stansberry Associates' Daniela Cambone was the moderator in “Bitcoin vs Gold: The Great Debate with Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra."
During the 1970's, the U.S. experienced a decade of below-trend economic growth combined with rising interest rates – and eventually – massively higher gold and silver prices. Some sectors boomed while others lagged, and then as now, the...
In military terms, the phrase "locked and loaded" refers to "locking" a magazine or cartridge into a firearm and loading a round into the gun's chamber. A variant is to "lock the safety" and then load a magazine into the weapon.
Ask precious metals' holders and chart technicians what in the last 6-8 weeks stands out in their mind and they will point to the breakout of gold and silver above areas which had contained them for almost a decade.
On August 7, gold in US$ notched its all-time nominal high of $2,089 (It's been printing new highs in many other currencies for quite awhile now.) Silver peaked (so far) at $29.92. After a few days of attempting to scale $30, it gave up...
We tend to spend a lot of time looking into the rearview mirror, especially when under duress. Connected to this is something psychologists call "recency bias." This simply means that what has happened in the near to intermediate past...
The current phase of the gold bull market, which started last year, is – we believe – the third and final wave of the secular bull run tracking back to 2001.
Most resource sector writers (including me) have for a long time been "wrong" about gold and silver. When they ran from $250 and $5 an ounce, respectively, to $1,920 and $49 in 2011, those who listened, acted, and sold a bit did quite well...
Item: March 16, 2020. A huge poly-metallic (gold, silver, copper) mining operation in Mongolia "has suspended operations" after authorities "restricted the movement of goods and people within the country."

The total world's holdings of gold could be transported by a single solitary oil tanker.

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