Eric Hommelberg

Eric Hommelberg Articles

Gold & Historical average - Gold should be trading above $2500 these days in order to clock new 'real' highs DOW/GOLD ratio points to $5.000+ gold before 2015 Gold & US public debt - Gold prices required to counter balance all...
Gold/HUI ratio chart flashes 'BUY' for HUI Relative HUI chart flashes 'BUY' HUI approaching very strong support
In my piece 'The Investment Case for Junior Mining Companies' I suggested a bottom for the juniors must be near based on the CDNX/GOLD ratio. Furthermore I suggested that the next up-leg in juniors could be expected when gold bottoms out...
When gold (and most commodities) came crashing down recently from a high of $730 to $540 in just a few weeks time many experts declared the end of the precious metals (and commodity) bull run. But based on what? What's the sense of...
Junior mining investors seem to be a bit depressed these days and many fear they'll have to wait years for any real excitement to kick back into the junior arena, therefore leaving them no other choice but to throw in the towel. Although...
After writing for more than two months I'm happy that the Gold Drivers Report 2005 has been finalized. I really enjoyed writing it and want to thank my readers for their continued support. Readers who've missed some previous published...
GOLD & GATA is chapter VI of the Gold Drivers Report. It discusses GATA's claims that the Gold market is not free and not fair. Although this topic won't be discussed by most main-stream Gold analysts (because they don't want to be...
Gold & Historical Norm is Chapter I of the Gold Drivers Report and analyses Gold against its own historical norm. This is important since many people argue that Gold is at an historic high these days and therefore bound to fall. Jeff...

One cubic foot of gold weighs more than half a ton (1,306 pounds).

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