first majestic silver

Gary Savage

Gary Savage Articles

As is always the case at these major turning points, the usual analysts are going to get it wrong again. The dollar is finishing an intermediate cycle decline, not starting one.
Regression to the mean. There is one universal law in this business and it never, never gets broken. Price always regresses to the mean. This one is like death and taxes. It is never violated. And the further price stretches in one...
Gold is in the final phase of the baby bull rally. This is the stage that causes maximum pain for shorts that were unable to recognize that the bear market is over, or tried to sell short (I warned and warned traders not to short a baby...
What a difference a couple of months makes! Several months ago everyone was convinced that stocks were starting a protracted bear market. Many expected it to be even worse than the last one in 2008/09.
A gold correction is coming. As long as you aren’t holding Old Turkey (see below) then the correct strategy is to wait patiently for gold to produce the next intermediate cycle low. Buying now is too risky, and it forces one to time a...
Today I want to address the nonsense I've been reading elsewhere that the technicals are indicating that gold is still in a bear market. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, let me dispel the idea that somehow the mining stocks...
As always happens after a strong rally in anything, traders begin to anticipate another leg up. They buy the first corrective move back down because they missed the initial rally, and they don’t want to miss the next one. This is the...
Let me start off and say the longer one continues to operate under the assumption that we still have free markets, the less likely you are to make money…and the more likely it is you will lose money.
One of the hardest things to do in this business is to let your winners run. For whatever reason we are programmed to expect reversals. It’s why so many people try to trade against the trend. I’ve seen it in full display over the last five...
While gold is correcting by consolidating sideways, silver is delivering a recognizable move into a daily cycle low. As usual, retail traders are getting bearish when they should be getting bullish.

Gold was first discovered in U.S. at the Reed farm in North Carolina in 1799, a 17-pound nugget.

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