Gary Savage

Gary Savage Articles

So with the advent of global QE, and zero interest rates, have central banks unlocked the key to perpetual bull markets? Let’s just say, I doubt it. They have managed to stretch some of the multi-year cycles, and hold off the bear much...
As most of you who’ve followed me over the years already know, I’m not really expecting a final three year cycle low in the CRB until later in the year. However… there are a few signs popping up that could be indicating that the 3 year...
With commodities now moving down into their three year cycle low I’m hearing more and more talk about deflation. This is complete nonsense. Bernanke had it exactly right when he pointed out that any determined government could halt...
It’s time to do a follow-up to my last Golden Bottom article. We are coming down to the wire and the action on Monday after the Swiss referendum should tell us whether gold has already formed a final bear market low, or whether we have one...
After two years of insane money printing designed to rescue its failing economy, Japan has now been rewarded with… another recession. So what went wrong you ask? The same thing that always goes wrong when a central bank resorts to money...
Today I’m going to follow up on my last article “Are Commodities At A Major Turning Point?” If commodities and gold are ready to reverse, then the first thing that has to happen is the dollar needs to form a top. I think that may have...
As most of you probably know, I have been expecting the CRB to form a major three year cycle low sometime next summer. However, I’m now starting to see some things that might indicate a major cycle bottom is going to occur earlier than I...
Gary Savage is an expert cycle trader and publisher of a successful market newsletter. His writings strongly influenced my own shift toward cycle methodology many years ago, and although our approaches now differ to a degree, the core...
Now that oil has made a lower intermediate low warning bells are ringing that the commodity complex has more than likely begun the move down into its three-year cycle low. That bottom isn’t due until May or June of next year at the...

It is estimated that the total amount of gold mined up to the end of 2011 is approximately 166,000 tonnes.

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