first majestic silver

Gary Savage

Gary Savage Articles

As most of you probably know the largest rallies occur during bear markets. They tend to be very aggressive and powerful. This is how one can tell the difference between a countertrend rally in a bear market and a rally in a new bull...
For about the last year and a half I’ve been warning that gold was being driven down to test the last C-wave top ($1033). No one believed me. Now that the test has occurred it’s time to go the other way. Again no one believes me.
I would say without a doubt the most lopsided trade in the world right now is the long dollar trade. Virtually everyone has become convinced that the dollar is going to 110, 120 or even 160. Folks, when everyone is thinking the same thing...
Just like always, traders are ultra-bearish when they should be getting bullish. Gold is 30 days into its daily cycle and due to bottom any day…which is possible on a final dip after the employment report.
I want to take a special look at gold and the dollar this morning to see if we can’t alleviate some of the fears created yesterday by the big move down in mining stocks. As I’ve noted before, it’s not uncommon for big money to try to run...
I’ve said all along that if the Fed didn’t get out of the way and let the market correct naturally, it would have serious consequences. Well they have not let the market correct naturally. On the contrary, ever since QE3 ended there have...
Let me remind everyone that intermediate cycle lows (ICL), and especially yearly cycle lows in the metals, are always hard to hold onto. Even if you catch the exact bottom, they usually resist for a week or more and try to shake everyone...
Over the past few weeks I was hoping the Fed would stay out of the market and allow a natural intermediate degree correction. Unfortunately with the Humphrey Hawkins speech this week and an FOMC meeting at the end of the month, it was not...
I’m starting to see lots of chatter about traders preparing to back up the truck when gold reaches $1000. First off, if you believe like I do, that this was a mostly manufactured bear market by the bullion banks in order to stretch price...
In my previous article yesterday I tried to stress the importance of getting to the sidelines before gold begins the final decline into its eight-year cycle low. Today I’m going to show you what I think is in store and why.

78 percent of the yearly gold supply is made into jewelry.

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