first majestic silver

Kelsey Williams

Analyst, Author, and Owner of Kelsey's Gold Facts

Kelsey Williams has more than forty years experience in the financial services industry, including fourteen years as a full-service financial planner. His website, Kelsey's Gold Facts, contains self-authored articles written for the purpose of educating and informing others about gold within a historical context. In addition to gold, he writes about inflation and the Federal Reserve.


Kelsey Williams is available for private consultations, public speaking, and interviews at [email protected]

Kelsey Williams Articles

In other words, how much is gold really worth? If we believe that gold is money, then we likely will have a different opinion or expectation than someone who sees gold as an investment; or someone else who deems gold to have no useful...
The expectation for a much higher gold price resulting from huge money creation by the Federal Reserve is shared universally by investors, analysts, and others.
The Fed wants to have their cake and eat it too, but the cake is stale. Jerome Powell’s remarks in testimony before the Senate recently provoked considerable attention.
The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency. That isn’t likely to change anytime soon. All currencies are substitutes for real money, i.e. gold.  And because all governments inflate and destroy their own currencies, any potential...
When it comes to analyzing gold and gold prices there seems to be no limit to the explanations of cause and effect. The number of things presumed to be fundamental, or which are correlated to gold, has grown exponentially as gold receives...
Nowadays, it seems that anyone who owns anything fancies themselves to be an investor. However, does buying a fractional unit of bitcoin in an online trading account qualify someone as an investor?
A year ago this past week marked the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It also was the last full week of trading in the financial markets preceding crashes in all markets and a near-complete, albeit temporary, shutdown of economic activity.
Flashback 11/21/2017: “President Trump nominated Jerome H. Powell as the new Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t look for much to change. And Janet Yellen’s announcement that she will resign from the board upon Mr. Powell’s...
The price of gold early Friday morning this past week touched $1720. At that level it was down $350 per ounce from its high point of $2070 last August.
The roundtrip is now complete and the entire voyage took less than a year. When Berkshire Hathaway acquired nearly 21 million shares of Barrick Gold in Q2 of 2020, people took notice.

14 karat gold is 58.5% pure gold

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