Morris Hubbartt
Precious Metals Analyst
Morris Hubbartt is the creator of proprietary timing models in the Superforce Signals, Superforce 60 Trading Service. He is senior vice president, General Manager and as Co-Owner of a concrete manufacturing company since 1985. He is also sole proprietor of SFS Newsletter Services that specializes in volume analysis of the gold & silver markets. His website is at
Morris Hubbartt Articles
Video analysis of Dow and dollar danger, gold and silver bullion bull wedge, GDX, GDXJ, & SIL bottoming action, and key swing trades.
DOW & Bonds, Nasdaq Bear Signal, Gold, Silver & Copper, PM Stocks Analysis via videos.
Stocks Candlestick, T-Bonds & US$, Gold & Silver Bottoming and GDX & GDXJ analysis via videos.
DOW & Trans Double Tops, Gold/Silver/Copper, Bonds, GDX & GDXJ And Key PM Stock analysis via videos.
Inflation, Gold & Silver Volume, GDXJ vs GDX And Key PM Stocks analysis via videos.
Dow & Trans Indices, Gold, Silver & US$ Volume, GDX & GDXJ Bottoms, Key PM Stock Volume, Swing Trading analysis via videos.
Gold & Silver Volume, GDX & GDXJ Flags, Key Swing Trades And Key Bull Flags analysis via videos.
Dow Death Cross, Gold & Silver, GDX & GDXJ And Key Precious Metal Stocks analysis via videos.