Paul Hein

Paul Hein Articles

My father's father made leather goods; especially saddles, bridles, and other necessities for horses. I still have a few of his leather-working tools in the basement, and when I need to make a new hole in a belt, Grandfather's tools still...
The Federal Open Market Committee, as a strategy in its "war on inflation," voted last year to raise the Federal Funds Rate and the Discount Rate, saying: Increases in demand have remained in excess of even the rapid pace of productivity-...
I has often occurred to me, when encountering road construction while travelling, that the only way to appreciate what was being done would be to view the site from the air. Seen from a car window, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to...
Particularly as the third millennium begins, speculation regarding the economy is rife. This is especially true in America, where the election debacle has, as such things do, caused a stock-market flutter. I recall wondering, as a youth,...
The tragedy of the Kursk reminds us of the shambles that is Russia. It follows upon the embarrassment of Chechnya. And both of these, it is reasonably deduced, result from the failure of the Russian economy.
The Democrats---those members of the Democrat/Republican party most skilled at politics---are arguing for an increase in the minimum wage, and they will get it. The Republican faction dare not even suggest anything approaching limits to...
I confess: I enjoy daydreaming. Actually, it's at night that I do my daydreaming, in that wonderfully relaxed period between putting my head on the pillow and falling asleep. I let my mind wander from practical concerns and worries into...
Everybody is talking about "the economy." It's doing great. It's strong. It's soaring, rising, bounding, booming. It's powerful, and nary a voice is raised in dissent. As someone with no training in economics, I guess I should be reassured...
Government is about stealing. And about lording it over other people. Money and power, in other words.
When I made bold to suggest, on various occasions in the past, that it was remarkable, if not unconscionable, that the word "dollar" was without definition, I was met with a firestorm of indifference, except for a few thoughtful readers...

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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