Red Baron

Red Baron Articles

"We learn from history that we do not learn from history." Dr. Milton Friedman, Nobel laureate in Economics
To fully appreciate the occult meaning and especially the real purpose of the Federal Reserve Board's study on gold, we must put it into perspective and consider the identities of its authors. The seemingly innocuous title of the FRB's...
Partners in C . . . .
I will paint a rather interesting and intriguing picture - which is totally documented. Indubitably, the poignant picture will tell an arresting story, which may be open to several interpretations. If you have the time and are so...
Brazilian Devaluation Seen As A Death Knell for the American Farmer
It is widely known the crushing debt of Southeast Asia caused its demise last year when their currencies, stock markets and economies were totally devastated - with only the behemoths China and Japan being able to stave off the inevitable...
                I have been on a sabbatical for many months NOW - trying to puzzle out a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: the London Bullion Marketing Association (...
Since 1993 the financial markets have displayed unprecedented "IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE" - as the Fed Chairman aptly describes it - while the CRB and GSCI (commodity indices) show only very modest appreciation. Specifically, stock market...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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