first majestic silver

Roxy Lewis

Roxy Lewis writes articles at  a Better Business A+ rated reputable brokerage offering silver and gold at transparent pricing at just 1% or less commission. I hold a B.S. Degree from Iowa State University and 35 years’ experience in human resources, management, investments, personal property development and entrepreneurial business development. I write to awaken and educate the populace to become self-sufficient and abandon and remove themselves from a failing system in order to defend and preserve their life’s assets.

I write articles @  under ROXY’S COLUMN and ARCHIVED articles of the past. VISIT my site also at  and may be reached at @ 1-888-Y Not GOLD or [email protected] . See all old archived articles under TOP ANALYSTS tab / Roxy Lewis!

Roxy Lewis Articles

Did you know that on June 30, 2016 Sweden’s largest gold distributor TAVEX had their bank account closed by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) stating that it was a “general business decision”. This billion dollar business just had its...
Thomas Hoenig, the Vice President of the FDIC, announced at the Global Economic Meeting in France that, “The market no longer determines what is adequate capital for the banking industry. Following generations of taxpayer support and ever-...
The FDIC just completed training all bank personnel to calculate deposit insurance coverage for Deposit Accounts, Revocable Trust Accounts and all other accounts held in banking institutions UNDER $1 B. in assets. What is the FDIC doing at...
“As through this world I’ve wandered I’ve seen lots of funny men, some will rob you with a six-gun and some with a fountain pen. As through your life you travel and as through your life you roam you won’t NEVER see an outlaw drive a...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) just made a historic decision for international finance by adding the Chinese yuan to its basket of currencies. The yuan joins four other currencies in the SDR basket including the U.S. dollar, the...
When the economic model for the U.S. and the world is based on ever increasing debt levels the end result will be an inevitable failure. How long could your home and family exist with a model based on always increasing your personal debt?
The Cato Institute published yet another report, in a litany of many reports, documenting the decline of freedom in America. The latest report utilizes data through 2013 and reports that once again the United States has dropped from 2nd...
Today, Americans biggest fear is the corruption of our “crony” government officials! It is no wonder that Trump is leading the polls, an outsider telling the world what he will do if he were the next President. “The mouth” professes that...
The unwillingness of our government to charge and try the elite white collar robbers of theft from the working man during the 2007-08 has only propitiated a continued increase in pilfering over the past seven years. I have been writing...
A five year old could look at today’s stock market chart and see that it is set for a free-fall! The question remains, WHEN and HOW MUCH will it decline? I have said before May is a good month to go on vacation and return after the...

China has only 2% of its Total Foreign Reserves in gold.

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