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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


May 14, 2001

In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the stock cycle) were closely relate

In my introduction to secular market trends I mentioned in passing that beginnings of secular bull markets (troughs in the stock cycle) were closely relate

May 11, 2001

Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.

Gold stocks showed their first signs of life Wednesday, already providing preliminary confirmation of our earlier forecast for May to be the "magic month" in the gold sector.

Dried-up trading volume . .

Of course we all remember Dragnet, with Joe Friday telling everyone that he just wanted the facts. (If you are in the west and love old radio, LA 50,000 watt KNX radio, AM 1070, has old radio shows twice a night, at 9PM and 2AM Pacific time.

May 10, 2001

It is my hypothesis that the price of gold has been manipulated since August 5, 1993.

May 8, 2001

The action in the stock market yesterday was very interesting. Before the market opened, unemployment numbers caught Wall Street off guard because they were much higher than expected. Actually the consensus was for a slight gain in employment.

May 7, 2001

In our study of chart patterns, we have discovered a variation of a classical chart formation that contains tremendous significance from both a time cycle point of view as well as a supply/demand perspective.

Portland is the last bastion of semi civil America urban life.

May 4, 2001

'Fading the masses' . . . was an expression one regular reader used to describe the stance we took back in March, emphasizing our belief then, that the next meaningful run in the stock market would be to the upside not the downside.

May 2, 2001

Gold mining share prices continued to charge ahead last week. The Philadelphia Gold/Silver Stock Index (XAU) at 55.76 last Friday rose 7.1% from the prior Friday. It was up 20.7 % since early this month and up 33.2 % since the November 2000 low.

April 30, 2001

In 1492 the Americas boasted highly advanced indian civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas. They were builders, farmers and even had their own calendar. Then along came a man called Christopher Columbus.

Stocks Remain Hugely Overvalued!

It seems American consumers have come back to their senses in regards to the economic situation. After an unexplained, perhaps spring fever?, jump in March, consumer confidence promptly went back exactly to where it was the month before.



Virtually nothing has changed analytically from my last update for Gold Eagle in August 2000 ( ) except that I can now reconfirm the outcome of that ana

April 27, 2001

Never short a dull market . .

April 26, 2001

The 50 basis point cut by the FOMC last Wednesday morning in its target for the federal funds rate took short-term nominal U. S. interest rates below German rates for the first time since 1994. Because the U. S.



We all wonder what would happen if certain things take place, just as we wonder what our life would be like if we had done so and so, married that gal we still think about occasionally, or had bought IBM 50 years ago.

April 23, 2001

The precious metals sector looks to shine in the months ahead. There are many positive things from a chart/cycle perspective that support a bullish gold outlook.

Minutes of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee meeting of January 31, 1995, reveal that the U.S.

A brand new day is coming.

It's only fair since the term is tossed around so much I tell you what I think it is. My explanation may not be the one you expect, but then I'm eccentric and proud of it. The idea of the New World Order goes back, way back into the mists of history.

In an effort to present my thoughts on where we might be in the markets and the economy right now, please allow me to recount an experience I had as a wee lad.

This past December in "The Smoking Gun" I provided substantive proof that the Exchange Stabilization Fund was intervening in the gold market.

April 19, 2001

Couldn't have scripted it better. . .

Gold producers around the world have been invited to the GATA African Gold Summit in Durban, South Africa, on May 10.

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