Economics 101, Logic 101, Physics 101, and every other "101," says that what goes up, must come down, and furthermore, a balloon cannot be forever inflated, without it bursting. The way I see it, there are two bubbles or balloons.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
August 16, 2001
August 13, 2001
The intermediate-term outlook for Durban Deep (DROOY) hasn't looked this promising in years, and long-term holders of this South African mining stock will not be disappointed as several key cycles bottom in the month of August.
August 10, 2001
An unrelenting grim report . . . from the Beige (or 'Tan') Book, spooked markets in a dramatic way Wednesday; though little of that should have been surprising to any.
August 9, 2001
Everywhere I look, it's the GDP! Graphs and charts about the GDP, and the GDP forever. As if the GDP means something important. I say it doesn't. Who cares? Why don't I give a non copper penny about the GDP?
August 8, 2001
The opening quote in the August 3rd Grant's is worth repea7ting: Senator Phil Gramm (R., Texas): "If this is the bust, the boom was sure as hell worth it.
August 3, 2001
Occasionally stressed intraday action . .
August 1, 2001
From the flurry of articles and broadcasts not long ago dealing with ATM charges, one might assume that the matter was important. Of course, it isn't, because the ATM machines themselves aren't important.
So said David V., a client of mine who, if there ever was someone in the thick of the financial world, it is he. David, on a daily basis, trades the big stuff, for a large New York company. He's sharp, experienced, and savvy.
July 29, 2001
Letter from a Durban Deep investor: "I have a lot of money in Durban Deep 25000 call options I paid 160 with a 50 Rand (US$8) strike price. They are due to expire June 2002. I read a report [recently] that said gold could start up soon.
From 1996, the year Alan Greenspan declared stocks to be "irrationally exuberant", to March 2000 one of the greatest theft schemes in American history took place as Americans willingly followed one another to their financial demise like, like millions of lemmin
From a sociological standpoint, watching people react to the current economic situation is fascinating. The media is sinking even lower in my estimation as they continue to shill for the corrupt elite running this planet.
July 27, 2001
Tenaciously holding overnight . . . (guidelines for those inclined), the DB retained a very successful 'bet' on the projected final hour recovery Tuesday, continuing into Wednesday at a minimum.
July 26, 2001
The gold price began a renewed trend higher after registering a two-month low of $265.35 on July 5th, the same day the U.S. Dollar Index recorded a new long-term high. The dollar has since weakened and gold moved higher to close Friday at $269.90.
July 25, 2001
I get a lot of things forwarded to me by clients and friends, and I, in turn do the same to them.
This past December I wrote (Letter No. 276, "The Smoking Gun") about my discovery of a discrepancy between two reports that tracked the status of the US Gold Reserve. The Federal Reserve prepares both reports.
Each time I surf I am amazed about the amount of information which has become available on the Web. And not to forget the formidable search tools developed in the few years since the Internet came into being.
July 23, 2001
July 20, 2001
Rapid 'losses of faith' . .
July 18, 2001
In a previous column, I noted that if you lived in the west, and loved old radio like I do, that you could tune in KNX, Los Angeles, 1070AM at 9PM and 2AM Pacific Time to hear an hour of old radio every night, 7 nights a week.
The American economy will have collapsed before the powers that be admit there is even a problem. You have to admire Mr. Magoo and his comic relief team in their fetish like refusal to say the R word. Mr.
July 16, 2001
The recent hostile takeover attempt between Sun Trust, First Union and Wachovia underscores a problem that will soon become America's worst nightmare involving a domino of U.S. banking house collapses in 2002 and beyond.
Don't Get Suckered Back Into Stocks!
July 13, 2001
Rescued from the putrefaction stage?
July 11, 2001
(I had an e-mail letter from a reader of a previous piece, who was outraged when I called dishonest Abe Lincoln one of our worst presidents. I e-mailed him chapter 11 of my book "Consequences," which covers the wrongly titled "Civil War," and Abe pretty well.
Monetary Sins of the West
July 10, 2001
The prices of gold mining shares and gold since our last Update (June 25) continued to consolidate their rapid end-March to mid-May upward moves. They tested their early June lows.
July 9, 2001
Tough Stock Market Will Get Tougher Still