first majestic silver

Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

The chart below - courtesy - shows that freight prices per ton of dry materials such as iron ore have been falling.
Wealth cannot be dropped by helicopters. The solutions to the issues facing humanity lie beyond the realms of finance. The first four charts below require no further comment. The Dow Jones consists of 30 stocks and it did not break to a...
History will remember this day. Whether or not the equity market cracks tomorrow or the next day or in a few weeks time, today is the day that it gave off a critically important signal. Today is the day that it showed that the 200 day...
I'm not sure where this will all end, but today we saw a Dow Theory sell signal. If you look closely at the chart below (courtesy you will see that volumes have been creeping up since the 1000 point fall the week before...
Two thirds of all trading on the NYSE is algorithm trading by hedge funds - some, with advance information because of the location of their computers - effectively trading as quasi insiders. Timing is in seconds. To understand what is...
The first five charts below are courtesy of"br>
Am I being paranoid? Was the spike in the Dow Jones Industrial Index - which took it to a new high thereby resulting in a Dow Theory buy signal - contrived? Have a look at the chart below (courtesy 5 minute chart of the Dow...
Summary and Conclusions
The monthly chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Index below (courtesy shows that the Index:
At the end of the day the economy is driven by the sum total of all businesses and investing is/should be about finding good companies which are well managed by professional managers who understand that they are employed by - and...

10 karat gold is 41.7% pure gold.

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