first majestic silver

Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

My wife and I watched Oprah interviewing President and Mrs. Obama for her Christmas Special. The closing message that President Obama tried to communicate was one of hope - that the worst is behind us and, with hard work and determination...
Summary and Conclusions The US Dollar Index is showing signs of wanting to bottom out and this has seriously adverse implications for those who have been speculating with US Dollar carry trades. It may also be pointing to the imminent...
The US Dollar Chart below - courtesy - is whispering some very quiet yet potentially important messages. For example, the non confirmation of the rising bottoms on the MACD chart and the falling bottoms on the Price chart...
A retired friend, an academic in a field unrelated to the subject of economics or finance, recently asked me to tell him what I thought was happening in these (to him) surreal worlds. Why are some people so bearish that they were...
The chart below (courtesy is of the Dow Jones Industrial Index divided by the US$ Index The chart looks like it's headed for overbought territory on the RSI and it the falling tops on the MACD seem to be signaling that...
In Australia (as in many other countries of the world), our Federal Government's reaction to the financial crisis was to distribute money in the form of "gifts". Their intentions were supposedly honorable. They wanted to stimulate the...
Only in Never Never Land can age and gravity be defied. In the real world such ideas may be described as "escapist fantasies". There has been much debate in recent weeks regarding whether US Equities have entered a new Primary Bull Trend...
Summary The markets appear to be anticipating a banking crisis. If confidence is lost in the commercial banking system, the following is a reasonable outcome:
Yesterday this analyst had the bizarre experience of watching two consecutive and conflicting items on the evening Television news:
There is no doubt that the equity markets have been rising in recent weeks. It would be foolish to argue with that fact. There is also no doubt that those who have "played" the rise will have made significant profits during the past few...

Palladium, platinum and silver are the most common substitutes for gold that closely retain its desired properties.

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