Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

A friend was kind enough to send me the following link to an article dated October 10th 2008, written by Martin Armstrong.
"One swallow does not a summer make". (Aristotle) That may be true, but it's possible that I saw two swallows today, and "summer" is not the season occupying my mind at present. First, there were reports from across the Northern...
Change is in the wind. The ratio of the gold shares to the gold price has now given an unequivocal buys signal - as can be seen from the following 3% X 3 box Point and Figure Chart (courtesy The gold price also broke up...
As these words are being written, there are two extraordinarily worrying facts in the world's financial markets:
The jump in the gold price on Friday November 21st 2008 may be the harbinger of a sea change in attitudes in the markets in general. To understand the implications of this it is probably appropriate to take a step back and take a fresh...
There are those who have been arguing vociferously for some years now that the world will be better off under a gold standard. These people may or may not be correct, but we need to understand the implications of what a gold standard will...
Thank you for your carefully considered argument in rebuttal of my (conceptual) proposal to nationalize the banking industry. Perhaps you will think less ill of me if we can agree on precisely what has been occupying my thoughts – because...
Some months ago this analyst began voicing his view that what we are witnessing is the end of an old era and the commencement of a new one. Events of the past two weeks have certainly had no precedent. Comparing the market’s behavior today...
The idea that the US Government can “bail out” those whose financial failure seems likely to trigger an implosion of the derivatives market needs to be seen in light of two factors:
When we understand “what” is happening (the facts) then we might have a stab at “why” it is happening (the theories). In turn, this might throw some light on what we might expect to unfold in the foreseeable future. We live in a cynical...

24 karat gold is pure elemental gold.

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