Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

In summary, it looks like the current upward technical reaction in the Primary Bear Market can be expected to suck more investors into the markets for another couple of months. Within 3 to 6 months from now the equity markets seem likely...
In the past few weeks the tone of this analyst's articles has turned markedly more bearish. Regardless of the strong rally in recent weeks, the "bird's eye" evidence seems irrefutable: Within the foreseeable future there is a high...
This article concludes that the probability of another stock market crash within the foreseeable future is very high. The word "crash" is used advisedly. Since early March 2009, the industrial equity markets have been rising on misplaced...
In this morning's media, (April 19th 2009) a Reuters article appeared, entitled U.S. transport Q1 earnings watched for recovery signs ( In it, the following statements...
This analyst has been watching the markets in the past couple of weeks with a fascination akin to that associated with watching a snake charmer in action. In particular, he has been watching the rising wedge on the chart of the $XAU which...
In summary, the following analysis/argument concludes that Depression is a far more likely outcome than Hyperinflation. The mathematics of inflation is as follows:
No market goes straight up or straight down. Based on the charts below (courtesy, it looks to this analyst that the Dow Jones Industrials Index (and $SPX) is due to bounce up from a double bottom at around 7500 and, if...
When the Dow Jones Industrial Index broke below the lower rising trendline of the rising wedge as shown in the chart above, it gave a serious signal. (Chart courtesy Just how serious this development was can be determined...
The purpose of this high level analysis goes beyond an attempt to explain why an economic depression is virtually inevitable. It seeks also to identify a possible pathway out of the economic quagmire.
There are those who are arguing that the equity markets are due for a bounce - maybe even an upward surge in prices. Some are very seasoned analysts who have decades of experience under their belts. They may be right, but this analyst has...

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