Chris Marcus
Chris Marcus Articles
In recent weeks Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics has commented on the similarities he sees between the current financial markets and what we all witnessed back in 2008. Although in terms of the precious metals, back in 2008...
The past week in the financial markets has hardly been one for the faint of heart. The big moves in the bond market have continued, with 10-year yields rising as high as 4.88% before sinking lower through this morning's trading down to 4....
Once again it's time for another Federal Reserve policy meeting, where they provide their latest update on their balancing act between keeping up their fight against inflation, and avoiding a recession/banking collapse in response to the...
In recent weeks we've witnessed a divergence in the gold and silver prices in China vs. where they're trading on the COMEX. While it's common for the metals to trade in China at a premium or discount to the COMEX, the Chinese premiums have...
One of the primary advantages of holding physical gold and silver is that it allows you be outside of the banking system and free from counter-party risk. Almost entirely.
In the past few years the world watched the Federal Reserve embark upon an unprecedented inflationary period, that has resulted in the higher consumer prices we're all facing right now.
The much talked about meeting of the BRICS is finally taking place this week. And with speculation abounding about what they may or may not do in regards to some sort of #gold-backed currency, Vince Lanci checks in to share his preview of...
While the world waits to see what the BRICS nations may or may not announce regarding a new currency block at their meeting next week, what seems less in question is the overall trend of countries setting up trade facilities that don't...
With the BRICS meeting in South Africa now only a week away, today we check in with Dr. Jim Willie to get a preview of what he's hearing and expecting in terms of some sort of currency or payment mechanism that has a link to gold.
Despite the Federal Reserve adding another $2 billion in assets to its balance sheet since August of 2020 (even including their quantitative tightening over the past year), the gold price is still about $150 lower than the peak it reached...