Mark J Lundeen

Mark J Lundeen Articles

The Dow Jones made no new BEV Zeros this week, closing Friday 1.14% from its all-time high of last Friday. On Wednesday this week it declined 3.42% from last Friday, before recovering later in the week. None of this is startling to the...
This week the market saw lots of excitement, like the Dow Jones seeing three new BEV Zeros from Wednesday to Friday.  These three new all-time highs pushed the Dow Jones up 903 points, or 2.67% above last week’s close.
The Dow Jones lacked one important item last week; a little excitement.  In fact, that has been true for the past two weeks.  That’s how it goes sometimes.
As always, we begin with a Bear Eye’s View (BEV) of the Dow Jones, with this BEV chart beginning in January 1982.  What’s a BEV chart?  It’s a view of a market’s price series where each new all-time high registers as a 0.00%, or a “BEV...
From last year’s March 23rd low (BEV -38%), two weeks ago the Dow Jones saw its 25th & 26th new all-time high (BEV Zero) in the BEV chart below, and this week the Dow Jones saw its 27th and 28th BEV Zero.  This bull-market advance is...
Since I last wrote an article on the markets in mid-March, the Dow Jones has seen four new BEV Zeros in the BEV chart below, and was never more than 1.80% from these new all-time highs.  That’s pretty bullish.
The Dow Jones made a BEV Zero on Wednesday last week, then closed the week down 1.17% from Wednesday’s all-time high. The Dow Jones has been in scoring position (within 5% of its last all-time high) since November 4th, scoring 22 new all-...
This week the Dow Jones saw three additional BEV Zeros (new all-time highs) for the post March 2020 advance, of which there are now twenty. The last time the Dow Jones was down more than 5% from its last all-time high was on November 4th...
The Dow Jones saw a little selling pressure this week; down on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, but up on Monday and Friday. For the Dow Jones and most of the stock market (if not the NASDAQ Composite) I’d say this week was a net neutral.
I’m using my Bear’s Eye View chart (BEV - Two Charts Down) spanning from January 1982 to the close of this week to provide a full picture of the Dow Jones’ thirty-nine year advance. What makes this BEV chart so important? Because it was in...

Minting of gold in the U.S. stopped in 1933, during the Great Depression.

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