first majestic silver

Mark J Lundeen

Mark J Lundeen Articles

Since the Dow Jones’ March 2009 bottom, its BEV -17.5% line has been a critical level of support.  In autumn 2011 the Dow Jones failed to break below it, and in December 2018 when the Dow Jones did break it, it closed below this critical...
Here’s a blast from the past: "The Fed could support the stock market directly by buying market averages in the futures market, thus stabilizing the market as a whole. --- The stock market is certainly not too big for the Fed to handle...
Week #7 for the 2020 – 202_ bear market was the abbreviated Passover / Easter trading week, and found the stock market closing -19.74% from its last BEV Zero in the Dow Jones’ BEV chart below. So far the bottom of this bear market was on...
Usually I begin my weekly articles with a chart of the Dow Jones; but not this week!  This week the Federal Reserve’s “monetary policy” takes top billing as its weekly change in US Treasury Debt Holdings’ * 10Wk Moving Average * went from...
Let’s begin this week with the daily bars chart for the Dow Jones.  What’s there to say except since February 21st, market volatility has become historic.  This week from Monday’s close to the close of Thursday (the high of the week) the...
The Dow Jones (my proxy for the broad stock market) continues deflating.  Last week the Dow Jones closed at a BEV of -21.54%, this week it closed at -35.12%, an additional 14 BEV points into what I believe will ultimately prove to be a...
What a wild week; I’m overwhelmed!  In my articles I usually find a narrative theme with which to insert my graphics in.  But this week the only theme that comes to mind is what an awful week it was – just awful.  Come to think of it, that...
Can you believe it? After a week where the Dow Jones saw four days of extreme market volatility (Dow Jones 2% days), and the NYSE saw two days of extreme market breadth (NYSE 70% A-D days), the Dow Jones closed UP 455 points from last week...
At last week’s close, with the Dow Jones’ BEV value at -1.89%, I said I’d remain long-term bullish as long as the Dow Jones stayed above its BEV -7.5% line, or even if it remained in single-digits BEV values.  As it turned out I could only...
The week closed with the Dow Jones Index down almost 2% from its last all-time high. Realize the bulls are only happy when the object of their affection is making new all-time highs, something the Dow Jones failed to do this week.

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