first majestic silver

Mark J Lundeen

Mark J Lundeen Articles

I need to take a break in my market commentary.  The markets are boring me to death, and I fear most of my readers are finding reading my commentaries as boring as I do writing them.  So I’m going to take the next two weeks off, and will...
The Dow Jones Index closed the week in scoring position; that is within 5% of its last all-time high in its BEV chart below.  Closing this gap, and once again making new BEV Zeros in the BEV chart below is almost a guarantee in the weeks...
Charlie Munger called Warren Buffett a “jerk”; really? Well, Mr. Buffett recently did take a big position in Barrick Gold.
This week the Dow Jones closed at a new high for the move, from its -38% bottom of last March.  At week’s end, it has fallen short of breaking above its BEV -5% line.  So, the Dow Jones isn’t in scoring position just yet, but maybe that’s...
Question: What happened in the gold and silver markets this week? Answer: Ka-Boom!
The Dow Jones continues in an annoyingly tedious manner, where it refuses to go up or down as it hugs on to its BEV -10% line for dear life in the BEV chart below.  It’s been this way for over a month.  So we continue watching the Dow...
On June 8th the Dow Jones increased to a BEV -6.70%, and so far that has been the peak in the advance off its March 23rd’ BEV -37.09% bottom.  Since early June (the last twenty-eight NYSE trading sessions) the Dow Jones has oscillated...
Since June 11th (the past month) the Dow Jones continues struggling with what it’s to do next; break above and stay above its BEV -10% line, or break below and stay below its BEV -15% line.
This week the Dow Jones broke below its BEV -15% line, something not seen since May 27th when the Dow Jones broke above this critical level. Looking at the advance off the Dow Jones’ BEV -37% level since March 23rd, a correction in this...
I usually begin with a Bear’s Eye View, or BEV chart of the Dow Jones, but exactly what is a BEV chart?  It’s a view of the Dow Jones as Mr Bear sees it; with each new all-time high registering as a 0.00%, aka BEV Zero.  That is how Mr...

Nearly 40 percent of all gold ever mined was recovered from South African rocks.

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